



Teaching procedures

Step 1  Warming up

T:Good afternoon, boys and girls. I’m your new teacher, Ms Lin. I hope to be your friend, OK?


T:Are you friends now?


T:Let’s chant like this:Yes, we are. We are friends.(clap hands)

Step 2

T:Hey, my friends. But I don’t know your names. What’s your name?Answer together.

Ss:My name is…

T:How old are you?

Ss:I’m thirteen.

T:When is your birthday?


T:Oh, I know your birthdays. Let’s have a birthday Party, shall we?


T:Chant:Party, party. Let’s have a party.

Ss:(clap the desks)

T:Look, this is a birthday party.(show a picture)Whose birthday party is it? Guess. Is it your birthday party?

S1:It’s…’s birthday party.

S2:It’s…’s birthday party.

S3:It’s…’s birthday party.

T:Let me tell you. It’s Sally’s birthday party. When is her birthday?


Step 3

T:Oh, Sally’s birthday is October 5th. Whose birthday is October 1st?


T:China’s birthday is October 1st. It’s National Day.(show the picture.)October 1st is a big day. I think you know lots of big days.

Activity 1

T:Look, this is a calendar.(Two Ss have one.)Find the big days and circle them.(45 seconds)

S2:January 1st is a big day.

S3:March 8th is a big day.

S4:March 12th is a big day.

S5:April 1st is a big day.


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