


(1) T: Please look at the pictures in 2a. Can you say their English name? (Teacher asks the students to name each one individually.)

S6: This is…

S7: This is …


(2) T: Now please take out the objects in 2a and put them on the desk. You will listen a dialogue and please pick up the things you hear. Let‘s see who will do fastest and best.

( Play the recording for the students to listen.)

(3) T: Now let‘s check the answers. Please hold the things you hear and say their English names,OK?

(Make sure students hold the things to show them to the other students.) S8: Pencil.

S9: ……

2. Listening (2b). 16'

(1) Look at the picture of 2b on page8. Discuss and answer the following questions before listening.

A: What school things can you find from the picture?

B: What do you think happened among the students?

C: Who do you think is Tim, Sonia, Jane?

(Teacher asks the students discuss and answer the questions. )

(2) T: Now please read the words. One holds the things in the picture of 2b, the others read them aloud one by one.

(One student holds the things, and the other students say the words aloud.)

(3) T: This time you will listen to the recording again, and you will write one of the words from the box on each blank line.

(Play the recording. Students listen and complete the conversation.)

(4) T: Let‘s check the answers. I‘d like to ask three students to read the conversation in role.

(Three students read the conversation, filling the missing words. The rest of the students check their answers.)

(5) Ask students to be groups of three and act the dialogue.



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