


4. 进行重点知识点练习。10分钟


5. 听录音,练习听力。 8分钟


Teaching aims:

1. Learn the words on page8.

2. Learning to talk about ownership

3. Train the listening and speaking skills.

Teaching difficulties:

Grasp some names of personal possessions and learn to talk about ownership.

Teaching aids: PPT, Some school things.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Revision. 7'

1. Play a guessing game and ask the students to guess the names of personal possessions on PPT.

2. Present the drill ―Is this/that your …? Yes/ No, it is/isn‘t.‖ Pay attention to the use of my, your,his or her.

(Hold the teacher‘s pen.)

T:This/That is my pen.Is this/That your pen?

S1:No,it isn‘t.It‘s your pen.

T:(Hold the student‘s pen.)

This/That is your pen. Is this/That your pen?

S1:Yes,it is. It‘s my pen.

T:(Hold a girl‘s pen.)

This/That is her pen. Is this/That your pen?

S1:No,it isn‘t.It‘s her pen.

T:(Hold a boy‘s pen.)

This/That is his pen. Is this/That your pen?

S1:No,it isn‘t. It‘s his pen.

T:Thank you.

Step 2: Listening. 26'

1. Listening (2a). 10'

(Before listening, point to the objects in the illustration and ask students to name each one to strengthen the memory of the key words. )



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