初一上册英语教案:Good morning教案



Let students work in pairs to practice the dialogue on 3a.Get them to act it out after practicing. Do 3b.Make sure all the students know the answers correctly. Let the students try their best to remember how to pronounce all the names.

Let the students try

Step 3:Practice

Play the tape and ask the students to sing after it in chorus and individual. Give them a chance to perform.Praise their efforts as much as possible.Help the slower students with patience.

Step 4:Homework

Copy the letters and the new words and finish off the workbook. (Do entering famous school)

Period 3

Step 1: Lead-in

Begin the class with singing the song of “Good morning” together. Free talk. Ask : Hi! Good morning, Tom. Or Morning, Dale. etc. Let the students get used to speaking English in class,even after class, Encourage the students to speak English as much as possible.Say out all the letters in English while you are pointing the letters or things in the classroom.Make sure all the students know what you are saying and what it is in English.

Speech Cassette la of section B.Play the tape and ask the students to listen to it carefully, then act it out, also do the task of lb on the book.Next get the students to write down the small letters for each word (abbr.).

Step 2:Pairwork

Get the students to practise the dialogue by pointing out the things they know how to say in English.Ask the students to exchange the roles.Let them fill in the missing letter of each word in pairs.

Step 3:Listen and repeat

List out the letter A on the blackboard and encourage the students to say out what other words a1so make the same pronunciation. Give them some tips. Present the other letters the same as the 1etter A.Let the students follow the chant after the tape.

Step 4:Homework

Finish off the workbook.(Do entering famous school)

Period 4

Step 1:Go through all the contents list on this part,make sure all the students understand them. If they don’t,you may use Chinese to explain it. (Do entering famous school)

小编相信只有课前的充分准备才能有一堂成功的课程。希望这篇初一上册英语教案:Good morning教案可以帮助大家更好的完成教学计划!



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