初一英语教案:Do you have a soccer ball



Period Four  Section B 3a-4


1、单词:has, great, collection, but, play sp ort, only, them, every day

2、句型:He/She has a soccer ball. He/She doesn’t have a soccer ball.

二、教学重点:掌握当主语为第三人称单数时运用has/doesn’t have

三、教学难点:正确使用has / doesn’t have


Step1  Greeting

T: Hello, Helen. Do y ou have a basketball?

S: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.

T: Do you have a doll?

S: Yes, I do./No, I don’t

T: I have many dolls. What do I have ? Guess.

S: Do you have…?

T: I have … , but I don’t have… .

Step2  Survey  Sect ion B4

Write three questions with: Do you have…? Find people in the class who have these things. Write their names.

Peter has a TV.

Jack has a tennis racket.

Tony has a computer game.

Step3  Drills

Give the charts to different Ss and let them talk about their classmates.

He/She has… .

He/She doesn’t have… .

Step4  Tasks

Teacher says: As you know. I like dolls. I have many dolls. I have a doll collection. I have one Mickey, two Wickey and four Teddy. What about Ed Smith?

Finish the tasks:

1)Do SB3a  Read and circle the sports things.

2)Follow the tape.

3)Do SB 3b.Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks in this magazine article about Sonia Hall.

Step5  Talking SB 3c


T: What about you? Do you have a collection?

Talk about your collections.

Step6  Creative work

Make up dialogues freely by Ss with a slide.

Do you have…?

I have… .

I don’t have… .

Does he/she have…?

He/She has… .

He/She doesn’t have… .

Step7  Homework

1)Finish off self check.

2)Do exercises in exercise books.

3)Write about your collection or your classmates’.

课 题 Unit 5 D o you have a soccer ball? 总    课 时,本单元第 1 课时 日 期

课 型  New  主备人  复备人  审核人

标  1 remember the new words:  from have to doesn’t

2 learn the sentence:  Do you have a  ball ? Yes, I do . / No, I don’t

Does he have a computer? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t .

点 1  句型的运用 Do you…….?  Does he / she …..?

2  第三人称单数的变形  have –has  , do -- does

教师活动 学生活动 时间

1      check the homework

The teacher should know how  many ss have  finished the work, and h ow many haven’t . An d how did they finish the work?

2 Learn the new words:

have ---has  , soccer ball –football , do ---does

Play soccer ball / tennis / ping—pong / play volleyball / basketball


Read the new wo rds and mas ter the pronunciation

and the spelling

3  Read the text, 1a   match the words with the things in the picture


Do you have a ping pong ba ll ?

Yes, I do.

Do you have a ping pong bat ?

No , I don’t .

Practice the conversation in group.

Act  it out in class

listenting  Listen to the tape

1b  listen and circle the words .

2a  Listen to the conversation and number them.

2c  Pairwork  Look at the things in the picture and ask your partn er if he or she has these things

巩固练 习 教

导   翻译句子:

1 你有乒乓球吗? 是的,我有。

2 你有乒乓球拍吗? 没有。

3 他有羽毛球吗? 是的,我有。

4 她有足球吗 ? 没有。

1 Does he have  a TV ? (肯定回 答)

2 Does she have a basketball ? (否定回答)

3 Jane has a car.( 一般 疑问句)

4  Kate  has a red bike.(一般疑问句)

书  Unit 5   Do you have a soccer ball ?

Do you have a ball ?

Yes, I do . / No, I don’t.

Does he have a com put er?

Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t .

课 题 unit 5 D o you have a soccer ball 总    课时,本单元第2  课时 日 期

课 型 New 主备人  复备人   审核人


标  1 remembe r   t he new words from let to class

2 learn the grammar  行为动词的一般疑问句

点 1  Let`s pl ay soccer.  That sounds good.

2  动词的第三人称单数形式

教师活动 学生活动 时间


程  1    Check the homework.

Act out  the conversation in Page 25

Have a dictation of the new words  that learned last class.

2   Learn the new words:

let , let us ==let`s  Let`s play  ping pong , shall we?

play ---play volleyball,    sound – It soun ds good.

many( 可数名词),  more (比较级)

read and write  the new words

3   Look at 3a in page 27  fill in the blanks with the words from th  e box.

check the answers: Let`s  , have , soccer.


Let`s play soccer.

I don’t ha ve a soccer ball.

Well,  lets pla y volleyball.

That sounds good.

Read, r ecite and act it ou t.

3  Introduce yourself to the coach.

First name:_______

Last name:________

Clas s:____________

Sports you  play:__________

巩固练习 教

导   按要求写成单词的正确形式:

Have ------三单  let ’s----完全形式   we----宾格

soccer ---复数形式    sport ----复数形式

1 让我们玩足球吧。

Let`s  ___ __    ______.

2 听起来很好。

That _____ good.

3 She has some f riends.  (否定句)

4 His brother has a football.(一般疑问句)

课 题 unit 5  Do you have a soccer bal 总    课时,本单元第3  课时 日 期

课 型 New 主备人  复备人  审核人


1 remembe r  the new words from interesting  t o da y

2 learn the  sentence: Let`s play computer games. That sounds interesting.

3 learn the usage of  has


1  Let`s play soccer.  That sounds good.

2  动词的第三人称单数形式


初一英语教案:Good friends  

七年级上册英语教案Unit1 My name’s Gina 




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