初一英语教案:Do you have a soccer ball



Period Two  Section A 2c-4


1、单词:does, doesn’t, let’s, play, well, sound, good, sport, we, many, club, more, class

2、句型:Does he /she have a soccer ball?

Yes, he/she does.  No, he/she doesn’t.

I don’t have a soccer. Let’s play soccer.

That sounds good.


三、教学难点:学会使用句型Does he/she have a…?

Yes,he/she does.

No,he/she doesn’t.

Let’s … .

I don’t have a… .

That sounds good.


Step1  Warming up:

1. A flash about soccer

2. Revision of “Do you have a…?”(chain work)Then do the pair work 2c

Step2  Pre-task

1)Look at 2c ,this is Jim’s bedroom. He has many things. What does he have? He has …

2)Look at the picture and answer questions by Ss with “Does he have…?”(先观察图片然后隐去图片中的物品,再让学生回忆他们看到的物品,用 Yes, he does/No, he doesn’t.回答。)

3)Grammar Focus: Do you /they have…?Does he/she have…?

Step3  Guessing game

This is my handbag .I have many things. What do I have ,do you know? Guess.

S: Do you have…?

T: Yes, I do. I have many …and more./No, I don’t. I don’t have… .

Step4  Drills

T: I have many things. I have…and more. But I don’t have… . How about you?

Answer by Ss.

Step5  Task

SB 3a.(Fill in the blanks with the words from the box . Then practise the dialogue.)

Step6   Pair work  SB 3b

A: Let’s play soccer.

B:I don’t have a soccer ball.

A: Well, let’s play volleyball.

B: That sounds good.

Step7  Creative work


e.g. A: I don’t have a soccer ball. Do you have a soccer ball?

B: Yes, I do.

A: OK, let’s play soccer.

B: That sounds good. Let’s go.

Step8  Pair work

T: We all like sport. Let’s join the sport club.

SB4. Fill in the chart and introduce yourselves.

Step9  Homework

1)Make a club card.

2)Do exercises in exercise book..

Period Three  Section B 1a-2c


1、单词:interesting, boring, fun, difficult, relaxing, watch TV,

2、句型:Let’s… . That sounds… .




Step1  Warming up

1. Practise the dialogue

A: I don’t have a soccer ball. Do you have a soccer ball.

B: Yes, I do.

A: OK, let’s play soccer.

B: That sounds good. Let’s go.

2. Show the Ss’ club cards, the ss should do a short report about themselves.

Step 2  Pre-task

1. 看教学课件或图片,幻灯片(能反映各种情绪的内容)一边观看一边听老师描述:It’s interesting /boring /fun /difficult /relaxing. 并重复让学生跟读,理解 其意。

2. 读Section B 1a 部分内容,将描述性形容词与图片一一对应,完成1a中的学习任务,同时可与同伴进行pairwork 活动,互相画出某个形容词所表示的内容,让同伴猜出这个单词,以完全理解其含义.。

T: As you know, I like to watch sports. I join the football fan club .What about you?

S1: I join the basketball club.

T: Oh, I don’t like basketball games. That sounds boring. What do you think of basketball games?

S2:That sounds good/boring/fun/interesting/difficult/relaxing/boring.

Step3  Tasks:

1. 运用所学的形容词来描述自己的物品.

T:(with a subject table) What do you think of your subjects? Do you like Chinese?

S1: Yes, I do./No, I don’t. That sounds... .

T: What about you, S2?

S2: I like /I don’t like… . That sounds… .

2. SB section B 1a, 2a, 2b, 2c



(3)引导学生进行p airwork 活动,根据示例谈论2a部分所提到的活动,正确使用所学的描述性形容词,完成2c部分的学习任务.

Step5  Drill


T: Hi, Jim. Do you have a basketball?

S: No, I don’t.

T: Oh, I have a ping-pong ball. Let’s play ping-pong.

S: That sounds boring.

T: Then, what about…?

S: That sounds… . OK. Let’s go.

Make up similar dialogue by Ss.

Step6  Game

Let Ss write the sports names on the paper.

A s asks and the others guess.

A: What’s my favourite sport, do you know?

B : Do you like football?

A: No, I don’t. That sounds boring.

B: Do you like basketball?

A: No, I don’t. That sounds difficult.

B: Do you like ping-pong?

A: Yes, I do. That sounds interesting.

Step7   Homework

1) Write a dialogue like step6.

2) Do exercises in exercise books.



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