初一英语教案:I 'd like some noodles



兴趣可以使人集中注意,如果要让学生感兴趣,教师就要饱含情感。威廉希尔app 编辑了初一英语教案:I 'd like some noodles,欢迎阅读!

( period 1 1a to grammar focus)

The analysis of the textbook.

Different people have different tasts and habits of the food. Unit 8 focuses on the chinese food and it specialities. The main languge targets are “ What kind of noodles would youhe she like ? I’d He’dShe’d like …… noodles. What size bowl of noodles would you he she like?”  I’d He’d She’d like a small mediumlarge bowl of noodles. It is an interesting topic related to the students’ daily lives. So it is easy to arouse the interests of the students.

二.The analysis of the students.

The students show a lot enthusiams and passions to the lesson . Because the topic is useful and necessary in their  daily lives. They show great curiosity and inquiry. Most names of the food are familiar to them. However some students are not familiar with some new words of the food such as beef, mutton, cabbage and so on. Besides the words of bowl , large, special are hard for them to pronouce. Some students have never seen or eaten the food in the lesson. So I will help them to overcome these obstacles. I will help them enjoy the fun of English .

三.The analysis of the teaching methods.

1. The students are always the masters of the class. The teachers are only the guides and organizers of the class activities. In English teaching, we should make the lessons close to their daily lives ,and complish the teaching goals in the activites. We should make the students master the ways to study in the activities. So the teachers and students can show their initiatives and creativities at their best.

2. I adopt the task-based teaching method. I mix the main words and main language targets into the pratical activities. The students complish the goals through the experance of the class activities.

3. Groupwork is the main teaching method in the English class. The teacher should give the students more freedom to show and express themselves. We should provide a stage for the students to mix the knowledge , exchange the information and share the resources .The teachers had better give them more praise and affirmation. So the relations between the teachers and students are natural and democratic.

四.The teaching goals.

1.Knowlege object:

words: would, I’d, noodle, beef, mutton, cabbage, potato, special, juice, drink, bowl, he’d, he would, size

language goals:

What kind of noodles would youhe she like ? I’d He’dShe’d like …… noodles. What size bowl of noodles would you he she like?

2. Ability object:

The students are able to make the new conversations using the target languages. They foster the ability to speak ,listen, read, and study by themselves.

3. Emotion object:

Let the students enjoy the English and learn by using , learn by doing.

4. learning strategy object:

Self study and cooperation in groups.

五.Teaching important and difficult points.

Important points:

1 The words of the food.

2 The target language.

Difficult points:

Teach the students to put the knowledge into use.

六.Teaching aids :

The pictures of the food; a radio;a computer; a paper;

七.Teaching procedure:

Before ---task:

( Let’s begin the lesson with the English song “ A mouse likes rice”)

1 Warm up:

Play a game using the target language “ Can you ? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.”

T: My boys and girls, do you like games ? (The students may answer “ Yes, I do” )

T: Good ! now please take out a paper ( No matter how large the paper is . Any paper is ok!) and fold it like me ! First fold it into a square and cut the unnecessary part. If you can fold it easily , you can say loudly “ Yes, I can”  If you can’t go on to fold it , you can say loudly “ No, I can’t”

T: Are you ready?

S: Yes!

T: Ok! Let’s go ! First fold it “ can you?”

S: Yes, I can !

T: Go on! “can you?”

S: Yes, I can !

T: Go on ! “ can you?”

S: Yes, I can!

T:Go on! “ can you?”

S: Yes, I can!

T: Go on! “can you?”

S: Yes, I can !

T: Go on ! “ can you?”

S: Yes, I can!

T:Go on! “ can you?”

S: Yes, I can!

T: Go on again! “ can you ?”

S: No, I can’t!

T: Go on again! “ can you ?”

S: No, I can’t!

T: Ok! Now unfold the paper and count how many times have you folded?

S:Seven !

T: Yes ! it is impossible for us to fold more than that, no matter how large the paper is! If you don’t believe it, you can try after class! Yeah! A very intersting game!

2. Check the prevision of the new words.

The teacher prepares the cards of the food ahead of time.

The teacher presents the pictures to the students and the students say English together. The teacher shows the pictures twice. Then the teacher shows the pictures to the individual students and they are expected to say English according to the given pictures. If they can say them correctly, the teacher will send them the pictures! ( The students are eager to get them, they need the teacher’s encouragement, so they will answer them actively!)



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