


Step 5

Talk about the pictures

Activity 3: Listening

Task 1:. To understand conversations about getting ready for the Spring Festival.

Step 1

Give the Ss 2 questions:

What are Lingling and her mother doing ?

Where is Lingling’s father?

Make sure the Ss understand the 2 questions:

Step 2

Play the recording and have them listen .

Step 3

Play the recording again and have them write the answers individually.

Step 4

Play the recording and have them check their answers with a partner

Step 5

Call back the answers from the whole class.

Task 2: activity 3 on page 9.

Step 1

Choose the best answers in Activity 3.

Step 2

Call back the answer in a whole- class setting.

Task 3: Listen and read:

Step 1

Play the recording and ask the Ss. to listen and read the conversation.

Step 2

Play the recording again and pause after each phrase, asking the Ss. to repeat chorally and individually.

Step 3

Put the Ss. into groups of 3 to practise the dialogue.

Step 4

They should repeat it several times, changing the roles each time.

Task 4: activity 4 on page 9

Step 1

Explain by saying “This activity is designed to check if you have grasped the main structure.

Explain that the students have to answer the questions in full sentences.

Step 2

Put the Ss. into groups to ask and answer the questions.

Step 3

Call back the answer in a whole- class setting.

Step 4

Ask different students to practice them in front of the class.

Activity 4: Pronunciation

Task: Grasp 3 phonemes / l

Step 1

Play the recording and ask the Ss. to listen and read the phonemes/ l.

Step 2

Play the recording again and ask the Ss. to repeat chorally and individually.

Step 3

Put the Ss. in pairs to practice them.

Activity 5: A test

Listen to the tape and translate some of the sentences into Chine se.

Activity 6: Homework

Recite the short passage as fluently as possible.

Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary

1、Teaching Content: Reading and Vocabulary

2、Teaching Aims and Demands:

1) Language knowledge:

New words: tradition, bad, luck, paint, mean, decorate, decoration, everyone, haircut, dumpling, fireworks, few, week, round, bring

Key phrases: paper cut, New Year, New Year’s Eve, sweet pudding, a few, all the year round.

2) Reading skill: To understand the text. (重 点)




初一英语《Food and drink》教案



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