初三上册英语教案:How do you study for a test?教案



威廉希尔app 初中频道为各位老师准备了初中不同科目的教案以供大家参考,下面是一篇初三上册英语教案:How do you study for a test?教案,希望可以帮助到您!



1. Learn the structure “verb + by + gerund” to talk about how to study English . Make the students know the use and form of gerunds. Introduce the ways of learning English.

2. Train students’ listening skill and communicative competence.


1. With the leaning strategies of Personalizing and Role playing, get the students to do pair work to ask and talk about the ways of English and find the best ways of English study, challenges and solutions by using the teaching courseware pictures flashcards or objects.

2. Get the students to do more listening practice.


1 .Studying the right way is helpful.

2 .It helps the students get good grades.


1. Target language

2. The structure and usage of the preposition “by” with gerund.


1.The students prepare exercise books;

2.A powerpoint that the teacher has made by herself, Overhead projector and a taper recorder;

3.Media large screen environment


Step1.. Leading in

1) Greeting

Ask some students about their summer holiday

2) Play the video of

Hello,everyone! Do you like this cartoon?Can you learn some Englsh words from it?From now on you are a ninth grader.Congratulations to you and I wish you a great success in your studies!Today we shall take up the first unit in this new term,Unit 1 How do you study for a test?

Step2. Pre-task (Presentation)

SB Page 2, 1a .

1) Ask several students to tell you how they study for a test .Write their answers on the blackboard .

2) Call some volunteers to read the phrases on Page 2 .Explain something about the structures “verb + by with gerund ”.

3) Read the phrases ,students repeat .

4) Add other ways students use sometimes

Step3. While-task(Experiences and practice)

SB Page 2, 1b .(listening)

1) Read the instructions to the students and make sure students know what to do .

2) Show the picture of 1a on the screen, point to the picture labeled a,b and c and elicit how each student is studying. then point to the picture with names Mei,Antonio and Pierre underneath .You will hear one conversation. You are askded to write the letter of each picture who studies that way. Point to the sample answer to the class .Call students' attention to the speech bubble in the illustration.



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