新目标九年级英语下册教案:Unit 4教案



新目标九年级英语下册教案:Unit 4教案

I . Teaching contents : P. 26-27

II. Language goals :  Talk about imaginary

III. target language :  what would you do ?

IV. Vocabulary :  million   medical   research   tie   worry   what if

V. Task .

Written   Design

Words and expressions     If I were you, I’d wear a shirt.

Teaching procedure :

Step 1  Present the subjuctive mood If  I were a bird , I would fly.   If I were you  , I would do it.  If I had time , I would help you. 2. The form  :   if + past form ,   S + would + V 3. Do more practice. Step 2 Activity 1a 1.       Free ask and answer : what would you do if you have a lot of money ? 2.       Add more ideal to the list and share your answers in class. Step 3 Activity 1b 1.       Play the  tape. The Ss listen and number the pictures  1-3 in the order you hear  them. 2.       Check up the answers. 3.       Read the tapescript. Step 4 Activity 1c 1.       Read the conversations in the box. 2.       Pretend you are the people in the picture. Talk with your partner about what you would do if you had a million dollars. 3.       Get some pairs to act it out. Step 5 Activity 2a 1.       Read the sentences in the box. 2.       Play the tape . The Ss listen and circle the reasons. 3.       Check the answers. 4.       Play the tape again. The Ss listen and check the four things Larry’s sister says to him. 5.       Check the answers. Step 6 Activity 2c 1.       First ask some students do 2c in class as examples. 2.       Students work in pairs to act Larry and her sister. 3.       Get some pairs to act it out in class. Step 7 Grammar focus. 1.       Read grammar focus. The useful expressions : by snacks   give it to charity   be late for   if/ whether   worry about   what if   a medical research Homework : copy the new words and grammar focus. Teaching notes : Unit 4   Period 2

I . Teaching contents : P. 28

II. Language goals :  What would you do ?

IV. Vocabulary :  pimple   exam

V. Task .

Written   Design

Words and expressions     If I were you, I’d take a long walk before going to bed

Teaching procedure :

Step 1 Revision

Revise the target language in this unit ?

If you had a lot of money , what would you do ?

What would you do if you were in Grade I ?

What would you do if you ….

Step 2 Activity 3a

1.      Read the sentences in the box.

2.      Say out the problems and give out the advice.

3.      Match each problem with the correct advice.

4.      check the answers.

Step 3 Activity 3b

1.      Read the conversation in the box.

2.      Think of different advice for the problems in activity 3a. Role play conversations with your partner.

Step 4 Activity 4

1.      what problems do you have at home ? At school ? Fill in the list.

2.      Read the conversations in the box. Ask your classmates for advice.

3.      Get some pair to ask and answer in class.

Summary :

Get nervous    get pimples   look terrible   I’m too tired to do well .

take a long walk

Homework :

1.        Copy the new words

2.        Investigate your classmates’ problems and give advice .

Teaching notes :

Unit 4   Period 3

I . Teaching contents : P. 29

II. Language goals :  Talk about imaginary situations.

III. target language :  What would you do ?

IV. Vocabulary :  energetic   confident  permission    herself

V. Task .

Written   Design

Words and expressions     What are you like ?

I ‘m creative and outgoing .

Teaching procedure :

Step 1

Revise the language points and the target language in 3a.

What’s your problem  at home / at school  ?



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