九年级英语教案:Planting trees



九年级英语教案:Planting trees


1.掌握本单元的有关栽树的方法、程序以及一些有关植树的日常用语和句式。如:The more, the better. It’s best to do sth 等。

2.掌握本单元的词汇,特别是短语so that, beep… from…, thanks to, more or less等的用法。


4.学会写notice,要注意它的格式和组成部分。可参考Lesson 44。

5.认真学习“The Great Green Wall”,理解它的重要性,进一步确立Work hard to make our world more beautiful!的观念。


本单元围绕“植树”这个话题,学习和了解植树的重要性及如何栽树。课文“The Great Green Wall”讲述了森林对人类的重大作用。通过学习课文和对话,进一步复习、归纳了被动语态的用法,重点学习了含有情态动词的被动语态的构成,讲述了英语中长、宽、高的表示方法,学习了一些常用词汇和日常交际用语及重点句式:The more, the better;教会了我们如何书写notice。



1.Tree Planting Day  植树节

2.neither…nor…  既不……也不……

3.It’s best to do sth.  最好做……

4.knock…in to…  把……插进……里

5.make sure    确保,查明

6.so that   以便,以致

7.several times  多次

8.tie …to…  把……系到……

9.keep…straight  使……直立

10.the Great Green Wall 绿色长城

11.hear of   听说

12.keep…from doing… 阻止,防止

13.run away  逃走,流失

14.rain drops  雨点,雨滴

15.wash away  冲走

16.the dead leaves  枯叶

17.stay in one place  留在一处

18.in this way  用这种方法

19.millions off  几百万的

20.blow away  吹走,刮走

21.move towards…  向……移动

22.the rich farmland  富饶的农田

23.all over the world  世界各地,遍及全世界

24.ask sb. about sth.  询问某人关于某事的情况

25.the more, the better.  越多越好

26.in a few years’ time  几年的时间之后

27.this year alone  只就今年一年

28.be covered with  用……覆盖

29.point to  指向

30.thanks to  幸亏;由于

31.far away  遥远

32.at the right time  适时

33.out of class  在课堂以外

34.hand in  交上来

35.more or less  大约

36.fill…with…  用……填满

37.notice to the audience  听众须知

38.Children under 1.2 m in height  身高不足1.2米的孩子

39.keep off  避开,防止



1. Come to school in your old clothes tomorrow.


英语中表示“穿”的词有wear, put on, have on, dress, be in, etc. 它们的具体用法如下:

wear, have on和be in强调状态,wear有时可用进行时态;put on强调动作;dress既可表示状态,也可表示动作, dress后不直接跟表示服装、鞋、帽等名词,而其他所列名词后跟服装鞋帽等名词,be in后可接表示颜色的名词。例如:

Lucy is too young to dress herself. Tom was putting on his trousers when Lucy called him. Tom pushed the door and asked, “Do you know Kate?” Lucy answered, “I’ve know the girl in red before. ” Kate was in a red coat when she came in. She helped Lucy to dress. Everything is ready now. Lucy is wearing a new hat. Tom has on a black coat.

露西太小了,不能给自己穿衣服。露西喊汤姆时,他正在穿裤子。汤姆推门问:“你认识凯特吗?” 露西回答:“我以前就认识那个穿红衣服的女孩儿”。凯特进来时穿着一件红色的外套。她来帮露西穿衣服。现在一切就序,露西戴着一顶新帽子。汤姆穿着一件黑外套。

2. The ground must be just right——neither too wet nor too dry.


just right 正合适;  neither…nor…既不……也不……,它可以连接两个主语、表语、宾语,还可以连接两个状语等,当它连接两个主语时,谓语动词应根据就近原则,即在人称和数上与后面的一个主语保持一致。

The driver drives neither slowly nor quickly.


The old man can neither see nor hear.


Bill has neither brothers nor sisters.


Neither he nor I am a teacher. 或

Neither I nor he is a teacher.


Neither they nor Mary is going to the zoo tomorrow. 或

Neither Mary nor they are going to the zoo tomorrow.




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