


Step 6   3a

3a Reading and filling

1. Get the students to look at the survey in 2a and read the personality survey result below on page 30.then fill in the blanks with a, b or c.

2.Check the answers with the students .

3.     Explain some points :

annoy sb. / plenty of / be easy to do sth. / get along with / like doing sth.

rather than  / rather …than …

Step 7   3b

1.     Have the students tolook at 3b .

2.     Read the example to the class .

3.     To write down their own personality survey based on the that in 2a.

4.    As students works , move around the classroom checking their work and offering language assistance as needed .

Step 8       Summary

1. The Subjunctive Mood

2. Some useful expressions .

Step  9      Homework

Section B :    The Fifth Period  ( 1, 2 )


●To use the vocabulary in 1   .

●Can write a reply according to the e-mail .

●To master some language points .

Difficult point :  How to write a reply well ?

Teaching Aids :    Computer powerpoint  Tape recorder

Teaching Procedures :

Step 1   Revision

Review 2a in Section B

1.     Read 2a together .

2.     Get the students to translate some useful expressions .

Step  2      SELF CHECK   ( 1 )

1. Filling the blanks

Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own .

On page 31 is a box with sentences in black. Read them and fill in the blanks with a correct word given. Make changes to the form if necessary.

2.Check the answers .

3.     Ask students to make sentences with the words .

Step  3    ( 2 )     Write

1. Reading an e-mail . Read the instructions to the class .

2. Explain the e-mail and some language points .

Want sb. to do sth. / be sure / in fact / be shy / want to do sth. / let sb. down / be terrified of doing sth. / think of / come up with

3. Guide students to write the reply . Students are required to finish it individually .

4. Get one or two and explain their mistakes .

Step  4   Summary

Step   5   Homework

Finish the exercises in Unit 4 .

Section B :    The Sixthth Period  (Section 1 , 2 , 3 )


●To know the problems and accidents the teenagers have   . .

●Go on The Subjunctive Mood

●To master some language points .

Difficult point :  How to understand the article well ?

Teaching Aids :  Computer powerpoint  Tape recorder

Teaching Procedures :

Step 1   Revision

Review some useful expressions in the Fifth period .

Make speech / in fact / want sb. to do sth./ want to do sth. / let sb. down / come up with

Step  2  Lead in

Lead in Section 1 by talking in groups .

Discuss these :   Have you ever seen accidents ?

What kinds of accidents do you know ?

What is the biggest problem a teenager has ?

Step  3  Section 2

1.    Have students read the reading materials .

2.     Answer some questions about the two pages .

What would you do if you burned yourself by accident ?

What would you do if you injured your knee ?

What would you do if someone offer you cigarettes ?

What would you do if you get pimples ?

Step  4  Language points explanation

kinds of / by accident / hurry to do sth. / find out / stop doing sth. / more than / a few / of course / tell sb. to do sth. / agree to do sth. / in a public place / ask sb. for

Step  5  Section 3    3a

Ask students to pool the knowledge they have to answer the two questions .

Step  6                3b

Ask students to go through the accidents mentioned in the reading then discuss .

Step  7        Summary

1.     Accidents and problems teenagers have .

2. Pay attention to theSubjunctive Mood

3. Remember the useful expressions .

Step   8       Homework

1. Finish the exercises in unit 4

2. Review the language points .







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