


Step 3        2b Listening and checking

1. Listen to the tape again and check on page 27 the four things Larry’s sister says to him.

2. Check the answers with the whole class .

3. Language points explanation :

say to sb.

worry about / be worried about

talk to sb. / talk with sb.

have to do sth.

If I were you , I’d wear a shirt and tie .

If I were you , Id be a little late .

If I were you , I’d take a small present .

4.     Read these sentences together . Pay more attention to No. 1 , 3 , 4 .

Step 4             2c Doing pairwork

1. First give an example , then get them to work in pairs .

For example :

Xu Linfeng, you are Larry. Men Yating, you are Larry’s sister. Xu is going to talk about his worries and Men is going to give him advice.

X: I don’t know what to wear. M: If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie.

X: I don’t have a present. What if everyone else brings a present? M: If I were you, I’d take a small present—a pen or something.

X: What if I don’t know anyone? M: If you don’t know anyone, you can talk to Tom. He’ll introduce you to people.

2. Explain “What if ……?  and everyone else

eg. : 1 如果他不来, 我们怎么办?

2 如果我们迷路了,怎么办?

Step  5         Grammar Focus

1.     Go through the sentences with the students .

2. Explain the use of The Subjunctive Mood


3.     Explain the structure of The Subjunctive Mood

If 引导的从句用过去时 , 主句用would + V

4.     Get the students to read the sentences together .

5.     Practice :

Have the students made some sentences by using The Subjunctive Mood .

Step  6       Summary

1.     Learn to useThe Subjunctive Mood .

2.     To remember the language points .

3.     Can use “What if ……? ”

Section A :    The Third  Period   ( 3a , 3b , 4 )


●To understand the students’problems .

●To go on learning The Subjunctive Mood

If I were you , I’d ……

●To practice the students’oral ability

Teaching point :   The Subjunctive Mood

Difficult point :    Attributive Clauses

Teaching Aids :    Computer powerpoint

Teaching Procedures :

Step 1   Revision

Review 2a and 2b in the second period .

Read 2a and 2b together and get the students to pay attention to the sentences of The Subjunctive Mood .

Step 2   3a Reading and matching

1. Go to page 28. Read the problems in the boxes and match them with the correct advice.

2. Write down all the expressions.

be  shy / what to say /  get nervous  /  lots of / go to bed /  look terrible /   do well /take a  walk /  look friendly / feel shy

4.     Explain “too …to … ”and give more examples .

He is too young to go to school .

She is strong enough to lift the box .

We are too careless to make many mistakes .

Step 3   3b ( Oral practice )

1.     Come to 3b , ask the students if they have different advice for the problems in activity 3a , talk in pairs .

2.     Ask a pair to read their conversation .

Step 4   4

1.     Read the instructions to the class .

2.     Ask a student to read the sample conversation in the box .

3.     Have the students form groups of four to talk about the conversation in groups .

Step 5   Summary

1.     To master the language points in 3a .

2.     To master the sentences of the Subjunctive Mood .

Step 6   Homework

1.     Try to remember the language points in this period .

2.     Finish the exercises in Section A of 《双语报》。

Section B :    The Fourth Period  ( 1a 1b 2a 2b 3a )


●To understand the personality survey  .

●To go on learning The Subjunctive Mood

What would you do , if ……?

●To practice the students’listening ability .

●To practice the students’oral speaking ability .

Difficult point :  The Subjunctive Mood

Teaching Aids :    Computer powerpoint  Tape recorder

Teaching Procedures :

Step 1   Revision

Review some expressions :

1. What to say / get nervous / look terrible / do well / take a walk

2. too …to …

Step 2   1a

1. Warming up by learning about personality

Ask the students what is personality? What is your personality?

2. Describing and filling

Have the students turn to page 29 and fill in the blanks with words given.

Step 3   1b

1. Ask the students in 1b Which words in activity 1a describe you? Tell your partner.

What are you like? I think I am creative and outgoing.

provide some words used to describe people for the students .

2. Have the students work in pairs .

Step 4   2a

1. Point to the chart and tell students that it is a quiz from a teen magazine .

2. Read the instructions and point to the four questions . Read the questions to the class or ask different students to do it .

3. Listening and checking

Cella is asking Bill questions from a personality survey. Check the questions Cella asks.

4. Point out some language points in 2a

Give a speech / in front of / have a cold / tell sb. to do sth. / start doing sth. / want to be / wait for sb. / have dinner / introduce oneself

Step 5  2b

1.    Read the instructions and point to the list of questions and answers in 2a .

2.    Play the recording again .

3.    Check the answers .



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