


学习是劳动,是充满思想的劳动。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了英语教案Unit4,让我们一起学习,一起进步吧!

Language goal:Talk about imaginary situations .

Structure     :What would you do if …?

If I were you, I’d …

Important point :Talk about imaginary situations .

Difficult point :How to use “Would you do sth. if ……?

The Subjunctive Mood

Section A :      The First Period   ( 1a , 1b , 1c )


●To learn to use Second conditional and Should for advice

●To listen and talk about imagined life

Teaching point :The Subjunctive Mood

Difficult point :The Subjunctive Mood

Teaching Methods : Scene teaching method  / Teaching by induction / pair work

Teaching Aids :  A tape recorder  / Computer powerpoint

Teaching Procedures :

Step 1   Revision and Lead-in

Lead in by asking students these questions :

1.     What will you do if you are free tomorrow ?

2.     What will you do if it doesn’t rain tomorrow ?

Step 2   Listening and Speaking

1. Ask students to read the picture on Page 26.

T: When we talk about things that haven’t happened, we can use the words I would or I’d. Now look at the picture on Page 26. What can you see in the picture?

S: We can see some people, a school, a zoo, a research lab, a bank.

T: What are the people in the lower part of the picture doing?

S1: Maybe they are thinking about the answers to the question shown in the picture.

S2: The woman is reading a newspaper and they are all thinking of the answers to the question.

T: Pretend you are the people in the picture, what would you do if you had a million dollars?

S3: I’d buy a beautiful car.

Write buy a beautiful car on the blackboard.

S4: I’d build a research lab.

S5: I’d give it to the Hope Project.

S6: I’d travel around the world.

S7: I’d give it to medical research. …

2. Ask for more ideas from the students. Write their ideas on the blackboard.

3. Show the following to the students and then ask them to practice in pairs.

-What would you do if you have a million dollars?

-I would (I’d) ____________.

4. Students work in pairs and make dialogues.

Step  3  Listening

Ask the students to listen to the recording and compare their answers with those in the recording .

T: Next we’ll hear a conversation about how to spend a million dollars. The recording will be played twice. For the first time, listen to get the order you hear.

1. Play the tape for the first time.

T: For the second time, please number the picture in the order you hear them.

2. Play the tape for the second time. Then check the answers.

Step 4      1C  Doing pairwork

Let’s pretend that we are the people in the picture on page 26. Talk with your partner aboutwhat you would do if you had a million dollars ?

1. Get the students to read the conversation .

2. Have the students to work in pairs .

3. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues .

Step 5     Language points explanation :

Step 6  Homework

1.     Ask the students to do more practice as required in 1c on Page 26.

2.     Ask the students to prepare for the next period: Think about if you have any worries or problems in daily life.

3.     Ask the students to finish some exercises in Unit 4 .

Section A :    The Second  Period   ( 2a , 2b , 2c , Grammar Focus )


●To master some language points

●To go on learning The Subjunctive Mood

If I were you , I’d ……

●To improve the students’listening ability

Teaching point :The Subjunctive Mood

Difficult point :What if ……?

Teaching Methods : Explanatory method / Teaching by induction / pair work

Teaching Aids :  A tape recorder  / Computer powerpoint

Teaching Procedures :

Step 1   Revision

Review The Subjunctive Mood by asking the students this question :

What would you do if you had a lot of money ?

Then do some translation .

1 如果我有很多钱,我会把它捐给慈善机构。

2 如果我有很多钱,我会把它放进银行的。

3 如果我有一百万美金,我会买一所大房子的。

Step 2              2a    Listening and circling

1. Listen to the tape and circle the reasons in the box on page 27 why Larry is nervous.

2. Check the answers with the students .

( 2 , 3 , 5 )

3         Listen again and write down all the expressions in the book.

be nervous, /  be late for / at the party

What to wear 疑问词+ 动词不定式

4. Read these sentences together .



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