


This activity provides listening practise using the target language.

Read the instructions to the class.Make sure each one knows what to do.First tell the students to have a look at the picture and let them guess what they are talking about.

I’ll see who is good at guessing the answers.Say, We will hear two boys, Michael and Ali, talking about some of the things they see in the room.The task of us is to write out the three things that they are talking about.

Play the tape the first time.Tell the children just to listen to it carefully and try to get the main idea and not to write.

Then play the recording again.Tell them to write down the answers this time.

Ask a student to tell the answer of the first line, then ask the others if they agree with him.Do the same with the other two answers.If they got different answers, tell them to listen careful when we do the practice in Activity 2b.

Check the answers.


1.a jacket 2.a book 3.a movie poster


Boy 1: Wow, you sure have lots of cool stuff.What a great jacket!

Boy 2: Yeah, it’s new.I really like it.I like clothes that are unusual.

Boy 1: Yeah, me too.Say...is that a new book over there?

Boy 2: Yes, it is.It’s a book about volleyball.It tells about how to become a good player.

Boy 1: Is it good?

Boy 2: Yeah, it’s great.I like writers who explain things well.

Boy 1: Me, too.Ummmm, Michael?

Boy 2: Yes?

Boy 1: Uhhh…Where did you get that movie poster?

Boy 2: Oh, the Monster Lizard poster?

My brother got it for me.He works at a movie theater.

Boy 1: It’s a great poster.

Boy 2.Yeah, it is.I love movies that about Monsters, don’t you?

Boy 1: I sure do.Say…Michael…Do you think your brother could get a Monster Lizard poster for me?

Boy 2: Probably.I’ll ask him.

Boy 1: That would be great.

Step Ⅳ2b

This activity gives students practice in understanding and writing the target language.

Read the instructions to the students.

Make sure each student knows what they should do while they listen to the tape.

Ask .the students to have a look at the chart in Activity 2b.There are two columns in it.

Tell the children they will write what

Michael likes in the first column and they will write why he likes it in the second column.Go over the contents in the chart with the children.

Tell them to note the sample answers.

Let them guess the other answers in the first column.Yeah, maybe the same ones with the answers in Activity 1, but we are not sure now.Then tell them to get what writers and movies Michael likes while they are listening.Encourage them to ask questions they may have met.

Play the recording and ask the children to fill in the answers.Pause the tape if necessary.Ask several students to tell the answers and see if the others have different ones.Play the tape again if the students need to listen to it again.Correct the answers.If time is enough, play the tape again and the students repeat after it.


book—He likes writers who explain things well.

Movie poster—He likes movies that are about Monsters.

Step Ⅴ2c

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Present the dialogue in this activity with a student first

T: I like movies that are romantic.

I love Titanic.

S: Oh, I don’t.I like movies that have big wars.

I really like The Doctor—A Real Soldier.

Then ask the children to open the books at page 47.Read the instructions in Activity 2c.Say, We will discuss our favorite things from Activity 1 and say why we like each thing.

Ask two students to read the sample conversation.Then ask the students to discuss their favorite bands, books and movies in groups of four.Try to use the sentences with the Attributive clause we have met in this unit to help to make conversations.Walk around in the classroom and offer help if they need.Ask one or two groups to say their conversations to the class.

Step ⅥSummary

Say, In this class we’ve done lots of listening practice on target language, and we’ve also written and spoken some.Try to use the target language we’ve learned to express your preferences in your daily life.

Step ⅦHomework

(1)Write a short article to tell your favorite band, book, movie and clothes.

(2)To express your preferences to your classmates or anyone else who knows English.

Step ⅧBlackboard Design

Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to.

Section B

The Fourth Period


1.What’s your favorite band?

2.What’s your favorite book?

3.What’s your favorite movie?

The answers to Activity 2a:

1.a jacket 2.a book 3.a movie poster The answers to Activity 2b:

book—He likes writers who explain things well.

movie poster—He likes movies that are about Monsters.







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