


Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to

The Fourth Period

Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands

1.Knowledge Object

The target language.

2.Ability Objects

(1)Train the students’ listening ability.

(2)Train the students’ ability to understand the target language in spoken conversation.

(3)Train students’ ability to use the target language.

3.Moral Object

I have my own favourite things in my life.

That’s why I am enjoying the life.

Ⅱ.Teaching Key Point

Help the students to express preferences on different things in daily life, using the target language.

Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Point

Talk about why they like the band, the book and the movie, using the sentences with relative clause.

Ⅳ.Teaching Methods

1.Listening method


Ⅴ.Teaching Aid

A tape recorder

Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures

Step ⅠRevision

(1)Check the homework by asking some students to read their sentences with remind…of…Get the students to exchange their exercise books with their partners and correct each other’s.

(2)Ask the following questions on CDs, groups, singers and musicians.

Help the students to answer with the target language.

What’s the name of your favourite CD?

Why do you like it?

What kind of CDs do you like? Why?

What kind of singers do you like?


What kind of groups do you like?


Then ask the students to make a survey of the students around them and do some notes.Ask several students to report their results of the survey to the class and help them to say like this.

Wang likes CDs that are quiet and gentle.

Li Hong prefers musicians who are good-looking.

and so on.

Step ⅡPart 1

This activity provides speaking and writing practice with the target language.

Ask, What’s your favorite band? Let one of the students answer it.Then repeat the questions on favorite book and favorite movie.Write the three questions on the blackboard.

Get the students to ask and answer in pairs.Then ask the class to open the books.Look at Section B on page 47,Part 1.

Read the instructions to the students.Tell them to complete the chart on their own.

Move around the classroom while the children are writing, giving help if necessary.

After all of them have finished writing, ask some children to read their answers to the class and share the favorite book with the classmates after class.Collect the answers from different students.Record the results on the board.Discuss what the class’ favorites are and ask students to tell why they like each band, book or movie.

Step Ⅲ2a



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