


SB: The singer writes her own songs.I prefer singers who write their own lyrics.

Say, Who can make up a similar dialogue now? You can use the questions in Activity 3a to help you.Then choose two children who do well in English to demonstrate another conversation.

Now ask the students to make conversations in pairs.Walk around the classroom while the students are talking.Help them as necessary.

Step ⅣPart 4

This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language.

Show some pictures of the popular singers or groups among the students.Say I like groups that dance much.I love singers who dance much as they sing.I don’t like musicians who always copy others.

Show a CD of very noisy music and say, I can’t stand music that is too noisy.

Write the four sentences without relative clauses on the blackboard.

Ask several students to complete them orally first.Then let the students open their books and complete the sentences with their own words.Next ask a few students to share their sentences with the class.

Say, Stand up and go to ask your classmates questions now.Move around the classroom and ask questions till you find someone who feels the same way you do about each thing.

Write down the student’s name in the blank in the right column.

When all the students have finished, ask some students to read their list to the class.Next ask a pair of students to read the sample conversation.Then have the students work in pairs.Make up their own conversations.

If there is enough time, ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class.

Step ⅤSummary

Say, In this class, we’ve learned how to use remind…of…

We’ve also done a lot of listening, speaking, reading and writing practice using the target language.

Step ⅥHomework

(1)Make up two sentences with remind…of…

(2)Finish off the exercises on pages 22~23 of the workbook.

Step ⅦBlackboard Design

Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to.

Section A

The Third Period

1.Four questions

(1)What’s the name of your favourite CD?

(2)Why do you like this CD?

(3)What do you dislike about this CD?

(4)What does it remind you of?

2.Complete the sentences.

(1)I like groups that           .

(2)I love singers that           .

(3)I can’t stand music that         .

(4)I don’t like musicians who          .



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