初三英语教案:Unit 3Buying and Selling



Lesson 24: Unit Review

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions from Lesson 17 to Lesson 23.

Oral words and expressions from Lesson 17 to Lesson 23.

Teaching Aims:

1.Review and learn new words and expressions about the world commercial.

2.Learn more about the foreign culture.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Adverbial clause and articles

2.Talking about shopping.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Let the students grasp the ability of shopping in foreign countries.

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: review lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step 1.Play “Market Stall”.

Bring something interesting to the class. Divide the class into two groups.

Some students are clerks. The others are customers. Let’s begin our business in the class.

At the same time, play the song “I’ll Buy It”.

The teacher takes part in the game and helps those who can’t express them freely.

Step2.Say something about the big companies around the world. Let the students present what they searched before class.

If some others have different opinions, they can stand up and demonstrate their ideas.

It is good to debate in English. That proves their spoken English is well enough.

Step 3. Do with the exercises on Page 29.

Ask the students to tell us the answers and why he or she chooses them. It is very important to know why.

Step 4. Solve the difficulties on the blackboard.

When they are in trouble, put the difficulties on the blackboard and let’s solve them together.

Do more exercises about the important grammars.

Step 5. Make a summary.

Sum what we learn in this unit. If one student can’t make it perfect, the others can add it.

Step 6. Come to “Class Review Activity”.

Play several games about this unit. Can the students themselves arrange some games by themselves? Give them chances.

Step 7. Homework

1.Finish off the activity book.

2.Review the main language points of this unit.


It is important to sum what we learn in this unit. Speaking is one important part. Doing exercises is another kind of part. Sometimes students can arrange different kinds of activities themselves. It is useful for them to create more strange ideas. The teacher should accept their ideas if they are possible do act in the class.

上面就是为大家准备的初三英语教案:Unit 3Buying and Selling,希望各位教师能有好的教学方式。






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