初三英语教案:Unit 3Buying and Selling



Step2.Read and answer the following questions:

1.When are Brian and Danny selling their products?

2.Who buy cookies from Brian?

3.Does anybody buy Danny’s product?

Step 3. Analyze the text in details.

Encourage them to ask more questions about the text. Such as:

What do you think of Danny’s product?

What do you think Brian’s cookies made of?

Do you want to make some cookies by yourself/

Step 4.Listen to the tape and let the students imitate after it. At the same time, they must keep silent.

Step 5. Act out.

Ask the students take out something interesting and sell them in the class. What do they want to sell? Who wants to buy? Do they have a deal? Observe if they have any difficulties. Help them in time.

Write some new words on the blackboard in order to build their vocabulary.

Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Act out the story. If they make mistakes, don't mind them and let them go on. They can express their ideas freely, if their grammars are correct. This is an interesting game. Encourage them to be bold and not to be nervous.


1.Finish off the activity book.

2.Go on the next reading in the student book.

3.Preview Lesson 24.


Spoken English is an important part in English learning. Role-play is a good way to practise English in class or out of class. Give them more chances. When they make mistakes in speaking, the teacher doesn't need to correct them immediately. Give them more time to speak. In order to increase their speaking ability, encourage them to talk about their real opinions.

Lesson 22: A Cookie Sale

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: heart, cent, deal, experience

Oral words and expressions: elementary, elementary school, storybook, Junior High School

Teaching Aims:

1.Review and learn more words and expressions about the commercial world.

2.Some knowledge of shopping in foreign countries.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Write a passage in simple past tense.

2.Talk about shopping.

Teaching Difficult Shopping:

The adverbial clause and object clause

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

Let the students work in pairs and discuss the following questions. Then report it to the class. They can express their ideas freely.

S1: I don’t want to give money to those who begs in the street. Sometimes they are very strong and they are able to support themselves. I think he’s just too lazy. He doesn’t want to work.

S2: I have helped those children or old men. I think they are very poor. They don’t even have enough food to eat.

S3: I give money to those who can’t go to school. I like them. I hope they all can go to school happily.

The teacher can help them if necessary.

Step2. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

1.When did Brian and his classmates sell the cookies?

2.What did they do with the money?

Listening is a difficult part in English learning. If some students can’t find the answers, don’t worry. Let’s open our books and then read the text.

Step3. Read the text and check the answers in listening part.

Encourage the students to ask more questions. They can ask any students to answer. Let’s discuss the text in details.

What did the cookies look like?

Who helped me make them?

How much is one cookie cost?

How much did we make?

Step4. Brainstorm

Discuss the following questions: If you have much money, what do you want to do? They can express their ideas freely.

When the students are speaking, the teacher should lead their ideas in right directions. Let them not fall in playing and waste.

Step5. Do with language points

Make sentences with some language points: cost, deal with, It is fun…to do…

How much does the book cost?

How did we deal with the old clothes?

It is fun to play with you.

Step6. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

It is difficult for parents to work hard to support our family. Now if you are David. What would you do to sell more cookies?

Let the students work in pairs and finish the work. After five minutes, ask them to give a report in the class.


1.Finish off the activity book.

2.Go on the next reading in the student book.


When students are expressing their ideas, the teacher remembers to lead them in right ways. Whatever we are talking about money, job, health or other things, they must have normal opinions like the others. Ask them not to waste time or money on playing computers or smoking. It is important for teachers of all the subjects to give them right life style in right ways.

Lesson 23: Push That Product

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: board, rent, magazine, lady, madam, own

Oral words and expressions: Edwin Moore, push-pin, bulletin, journal, employee, What’s the price of…

Teaching Aims:

1.Review and learn more words and expressions about the commercial world.

2.Talk about how to make ads.

Teaching Important Points:

1.The adverbial clause.

2.Talk about the growing of Edwin Moore’s company.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to describe the growing of a company clearly to the readers.

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. The teacher brings a push-pin to the class. Let the students come to know it. Do they know how to say it in English? Do they know where it is from and where is the company?

Although it is small, it is a very useful invention. We can put up the pictures or posters on the wall easily. Many people in the world benefited from the little products. Do they want to know more? Let’s go on the next step.

Step2. Read the text and answer the following questions:

1.What is a push-pin used for?

2.Did Moore make ads during his selling?

The two questions are easy to answer. Most of the students can find the answers. They are very interesting to learn more about Moore’s company.

Step3. Brainstorm

Let’s discuss the text further. Encourage them to ask more questions about this part. They can ask any students any questions about the text. For example:

When did Edwin Moore have an idea to product a push-pin?

What was the price at that time?

What was his first big success?

What’s the price now?

If they have any difficulty, the teacher writes the new words on the blackboard and teaches them to read correctly.

Step4.Listen to the tape and imitate after it. Play the tape for two times. Let them read after it but keep silent. Thus all the students can listen clearly and repeat after it.

Let some students read the text in front of the class. Check their pronunciation and intonation.

Step5. Product

Let the students present some other examples to the class. They can say the companies around us.

They also say the famous companies in the world.

In a student’s speech, the others can add what they know about the company. Everyone can have it’s own opinion. Encourage them to speak freely.

Step6. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

If you are Moore, do you have any other ways to sell your products? Encourage them to think in many ways.

If you are a boss, what products would you like to produce? Is it according to your likes and dislikes?

Ask the students to give their opinions in class freely.

Step 7. Homework

1.Finish off the activity book.

2.Go on the next reading in the student book.


Discussing is a good way to encourage students more in class. When they come across new words, the teacher has to write on the blackboard and teach them carefully. It is a good way to learn when they are interested in. Teach them how to learn by themselves. It is important for students to have good learning habits.



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