初三英语教案:Unit 3Buying and Selling



The questions can be like this:

1.Does he take money to buy things?

2.How long does Danny wait?

3.Where does Danny sit?

Step 5.Do with some language points.

Make sentences with the following words: build, sign, hear

He wants to build a bridge when he is older.

What signs can you see near the school?

I hear a baby crying loudly.

Encourage them to make more sentences.

Step 6. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Divide the class into several groups. We can describe the same shop. Then let some students present their report to the class. The others try ot add the report and make it perfect.

We can put up the report on the wall after class.

Step 7. Homework

1.Finish off the activity book.

2.Go on the next reading in the student book.


It is a good way to make sentences with the phrases that we learn. The more we use the phrases, the more we are familiar with them. Then we can grasp it easily and never forget them. Give the students more time to practise in the class.

Lesson 19: Know Business Lingo

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: success, meeting, example, fat, course, final

Oral words and expressions: beginner, intermediate, advanced, audiotape, certificate, registration, payment, cheque, cash

Teaching Aims:

1.Know some words and expressions about the business.

2.Learn about the foreign ads.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Some business lingoes.

2.Some words and expressions.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to make foreign ads?

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step 1.Lead in

Introduce Chinese training ads to the class.

If you are a teacher, you want to teach a few students in the summer holiday. What ads do you need?

Bring some Chinese ads about this to the class. Let’s them try them in English. And show them to the class.

Step 2. Now show the certificate of this lesson to the class. Let them guess what the program will be?

Try to make ads according to the certificate. The students can make the ads in many ways. They can add different content to the ads.

Work in groups and finish the ads. They can exchange their ideas and make perfect ads. Then show it to the class.

Step3.Read the text and answer the following questions:

1.What’s business lingo?

2.What’s the program for?

Step 4. Show some new words and expressions to the class. Let them read after you if they can’t read them well by themselves. Practise them for a while. Then give them chances to practise in the class.

Step 5: Brainstorm

Begin a brainstorm to discuss the text in details. Encourage them to ask more questions.

They can ask questions like this:

Do you really know business lingoes? Can you give examples? Where do you get them?

They can ask questions about the program. For example:

If you are a beginner, what course should you attend?

How long is each course?

Where are the teachers from?

What languages do they speak?

Step 6.Listen to the tape. Let the students imitate after it. Play the tape for several times in order to let them have exact pronunciation.

The teachers walk around the classroom to see their pronunciation. Then choose some difficulties to show them on the blackboard

Step 7. Homework

1.Finish off the activity book.

2.Go on the next reading in the student book.


Ask the students to practice with the similar things. Give them time to think what they will learn. Let them think over the words and expressions that they’re going to learn. Practising more is good for students. This can add the students’ learning interests.

Lesson 20: I’ll Buy It!

Teaching Content:

There are no mastery or oral words and expressions in this lesson.

Teaching Aims:

1.Be more familiar to the words and expressions used in shopping.

2.Know more about the English songs and foreign culture.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Talking about shopping.

2.Learn to sing the popular song.

Teaching difficult Points:

Talking about shopping

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step 1.Liste to the tape. Let’s sing after it. Play the tape for several times in order to let the students grasp the rhythm of the song.

Step 2. Try to sing the song together as the tape playing. Sing together twice. Then turn off the audiotape. Now ask the students to sing loudly.

Step 3. Read the song loudly as a poem. Explain some expressions to them if you think it is necessary.

Step 4. Divide the class into two groups and then practise the song again.

Who sings well? Remember to give praise for a good try.

Step 5. Make up a new song or dialogue with some words and expressions in the song.

After the students present his or her song or dialogue to us, can the others sum the main idea? If they can’t do this, let the writer explain it to us.

Step 6. Ask some volunteers to come to the front and sing.


1.Finish off the activity book.

2.Go on the next reading in the student book.


Some students think the English songs are hard to learn. In fact, they are easy. If you put your heart into it and don't be afraid to make mistakes, I think you will sing them well. The teacher must make good examples for them. They can sing in front of the class. And the students sing after her or him. After a while, they will learn to sing and dare to sing in front of the class.

Lesson 21: Cookies, Please!

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: bill, purse, any other, afraid, safe, afford, coin

Oral words and expressions: come up to, go over to, That’s too much expensive. I’m afraid I can’t afford it.

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and review some words and expressions in interesting information about real and attempted products.

2.Talk about shopping.

Teaching Important Points:

1.The adverbial clause and articles.

2.How to introduce your products to the customers.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Talk about shopping.

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aid: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step 1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

Talk about the questions in groups of three or four. Then let one of the students in the group reports to the class.

When the students are give their reports, the others can ask questions if they like or if they have any questions.



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