初三英语教案:Unit 3Buying and Selling



英语学科具有全球性、开放性、实践性等特点。威廉希尔app 编辑了初三英语教案:Unit 3Buying and Selling,希望能为各位教师提供到帮助。

Unit 3 Buying and Selling

Lesson 17: Who Will Buy It?

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: money, pay, pay for, price, advertising, ad

Oral words and expressions: product, make money

Teaching Aims:

1.Review and learn more words and expressions about he commercial world.

2.Practice some important grammars.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Talking about shopping.

2.The adverbial Clauses.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Grasp the adverbial clauses.

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Practise the ads.

Take out something that students are interested in. Let them write advertising for them.

If it is a pen, what can students say about it? If you want to help them make the advertising better, what can you do?

Step2.Let some students introduce their favourite advertising to the class. Tell the others why you like it best. Do you think what advertising you dislike? Why?

The teacher tells the students what advertising he likes best. Why?

Step3.Read the text and let the students answer the following questions:

1.What is the news about?

2.Who will bake something good to eat?

Step 4. Read the text again and do with the content in details. Let the students find more questions about this part. If they find any questions, they can stand up and ask any student.

If they can’t do it well at once, you can give them examples. Such as: How much does a player need? ($50.)

What will Brian do in order to make money? (To bake something good to eat.)

What’s the price of the cookies? (Four for a dollar.)

Step 5. Listen to the tape. Ask the students to listen carefully and imitate after it.

Ask who can read fast enough to follow the tape. Encourage them to read as fast as they can.

At the same time, the students walk around to see the students’ pronunciation and intonation.

After finish listening, the teacher can repeat some words and expressions on the blackboard.

Step 6. Homework

1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.

2.Go on the next reading in the student book.


We can finish the project in three lessons.

In the first lesson, divide the class into several groups. Discuss what you want to produce in your group. What materials do you need? After everyone has demonstrated his or her ideas, choose the best one to produce.

In the second lesson, write advertising for your product. Think about all kinds of words or pictures to match it. Choose the best and design a complete one.

In the third lesson, let the student show the product to the class. At the same time, introduce its use and how to use it. Now you present your ad to the class. Does if have a good profit? Does everyone want to buy it? What does everyone buy it for?

If your product or ad needs to be changed or added something interesting, do you want to change it. Why or why not.


We are living in a new world. All around us are all kinds of ads. We can see them on TV, radios and computers. When we go to school, we can see the names of the shops which also attracts many customers in many ways. Choose the best one to present it to the class. Why do you think it is good? What do the others think about it? Leave the homework to them. Let the students to observe with their own eyes. They will find more interesting things.

Lesson 18: Two Hours Too Early

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: supply, notice, quite

Oral words and expressions: mall, business hours

Teaching Aims:

1.Know more about shopping.

2.Grasp more phrases for shopping and signs for business hours.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Some words and expressions about the business hours.

2.Know some knowledge of shopping.

Teaching Difficult Points:

The adverbial clause

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aid: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step 1. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.

Discuss the questions in groups, talk about the feeling that you must wait. Where must you wait? Give examples.

S1: When I am ill, I must go to see a doctor. I must wait my turn.

S2. When I buy my breakfast, I must wait in queue because everyone is in a hurry. They all want to go to school or work earlier.

S3: When I buy something in shops I must wait. Because the shop near my home is so good that many people buy things there, I must wait.

The teacher sums what the students say.:

We live in a big world. We must be polite when we buy something. That’s a good manner. We can’t jump the queue. We should think more about the others.

Step 2. Look at the picture of Danny. What is he doing? Do you know his feeling now?

Talk about the picture in pairs. Then let some students demonstrate their ideas in front of the class.

Step 3. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

1.When does Danny get up very early?

2.What does the sign say?

3.Does Danny buy the supplies he wants?

If some students can’t answer the questions well, don't lose your temper. We can go on the next step.

Step 4. Read the text and check the answers to the listening part. Ask the students to find more questions about Danny. If they find any, they can ask any student. If one can’t give the right answer, others can help him or her.



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