



Unit 1

一 单词拓展。

1. enough

1) 足够的,充足的(adj.)

We have enough chairs for everyone. 我们有足够的椅子让大家坐。

2) 足够地,充分地(adv.)

They can’t walk fast enough. 他们走得不够快。

3) 足够,充分(n.)

I’ve had enough, thank you.  我够了,谢谢。

We earned enough to buy a new house. 我们挣的钱足够买一幢新房子。

2. increase

1) 增大;增加;增强(vt.)

Travel increases one’s knowledge of the world.

2) 增大;增加;增强;增值(vi.)

Foreign investments there increased five years. 那里的外国投资增加了五倍。

These flowers will increase every year. 这些花会年复一年越长越多。

3) 增大;增加;增强(n.)

His weight showed an increase of 3 lbs in a month. 他的体重在一个月内增加了三磅。

3. crowd

1) 人群(n.)

There was a crowd of people in front of the town hall.  市政大厅前有一群人。


I saw a crowd of magazines and papers on her desk.我看见她桌上放着一堆杂志和报纸。


Passengers crowded the platform. 月台挤满了乘客。

3)crowded (adj.)

a crowded train 拥挤的火车 crowded cities 拥挤的城市

4. problem

1) 问题,疑难问题(n.)

Measures have been taken to solve traffic problems in big cities.



Plastic pollution is a serious environmental problem.


3) 难弄的人,引起麻烦的人 (n.)

My kid brother is a real problem. 我弟弟真是一个难弄的人。

4)question  问题,询问(n.)

She asked me many questions about my adventures in Arctic.



What right do you have to question me? 你有什么权利来质问我?

5. present

1) 出席的,在场的;现在的(adj.)

How many people were present at the meeting?到会的有多少人?

I am not at all satisfied with the present situation. 我对目前的情况一点也不满意。

2) 目前;礼物,赠品(n.)

He often gave his neighbor’s kids little presents. 他经常送些小礼物给邻居的孩子。

3) 赠送,呈献(v.)

They presented him with a bunch of flowers.  他们献给他一束鲜花。


He had to present a smiling face though heavy-hearted.



About 300 papers were presented at the meeting. 会上提交了大约三百篇论文。

6. billion

1) billion  1,000,000,000十亿     2) million  1,000,000 百万

3) thousand 1,000  一千          4) hundred  100  一百

二 你知道下列短语吗?能用他们造个句吗?

1. how about

2. enough space

3. too much traffic

4. an increasing population

5. an environmental problem

6. look up

7. 20 percent of the world’s population

8. three hundred million

9. come up

10. thanks to

11. present the prize

12. along with

13. get worse

三 你知道下列句型吗?能用他们造个句吗?

1)What about/ How about (doing) something?

2)What’s the population of …..?

四 你指导如何读下列数字吗?

1)  259   two hundred and fifty-nine

2)  5,413   five thousand, four hundred and thirteen

3)  6,210,125   six million, two hundred and ten thousand, one hundred and twenty-five

4)  3,100,215,104   three billion, one hundred million, two hundred and fifteen thousand, one hundred and four


1)    78, 150 _______________________________

2)    222,501_______________________________

3)    4,328,132_______________________________

4)    8, 210, 005, 001_______________________________

Unit 2 预习导纲

一 单词拓展。

1. close

1) 近的,接近的;(关系)密切的,亲密的(adj.)

His house is close to the factory. 他家靠近该厂。

She is a close friend of theirs. 她是他们的挚友。

2) 关上;盖上;关(商店等);结束(vt.)

She closed the door softly. 她轻轻地关上门。

The street has been closed for two days. 这条街已被封闭两天了。


The door closes quietly. 这门关起来不发出什么声音。

The post office closes at six. 邮局六点关门。

3) 结束,终止(n.)

The national anthem was sung at the close of the meeting. 会议结束时唱国歌。

4) 接近,靠近地(adv.)They live close to the museum. 他们住得靠近博物馆的地方。

2. flat

1) 平的、平坦的(adj.) a flat surface 平面

He believes that the earth is flat. 他相信地球是平的。

2)  (轮胎)气不足的,瘪平的(adj.)

3) (英)公寓(n.)指公寓大楼内(某一层上)供居住的一套房间,用于英国英语。

a furnished flat 家具齐备的公寓

4)  (美) apartment 公寓  a three-bedroom apartment 三居室公寓

3. room

1) 房间(C)可数名词: a single room 单人间/ a meeting room 会议室

2) 空间(U)不可数名词: There is no room for you in the car. 车上没有你坐的地方了。

I’ll have to make room for my new table. 我不得不给我的新桌子腾地方。

3) 余地(U)There is still room for improvement in our work.

4. add

1) 增加,添加(vt.)If you find the coffee too strong, add some water to it.


I have added two names to the list. 我在名单上加了两个名字。

2) 补充(说): She added that I was wrong. 她还说我错了。

3) 做加法(vi.): The little kid has learned to add and subtract. 这个小孩已经学会了加减法。

4)增添,增加(vi.) The new movie has added to her fame. 这部新影片使她的名气。

The trip added greatly to her understanding and knowledge of the country.


5. private

1) 个人的,私有的(adj.)private property 私有财产

2)私下的, 非公开的,秘密的:private talks 密谈

3)私营的,私立的: private school 私立学校

4)  public 公众的: a public assembly 公众集会;

公众,民众,大众:British public 英国公众

6. run

1) 跑,奔跑(vi.)The rabbit is running quickly. 那只兔子在飞快地跑着。

He came running to meet us. 他跑来迎接我们。

2) 逃离,逃跑 (vi.) The thief dropped the handbag and ran.


3) (机器) 运转,运行(vi.): The workers let the machine running.


4) 经营,管理,开办(公司等) run a hotel 经营一家宾馆

二 你知道下列短语吗?能用他们造个句吗?

1. in the centre of

2. be close to

3. begin to do

4. arrive in

5. have a better life

6. add to

7. pay for

8. run a big city

9. the same…as

10. protect… from

11. in fact

12. get to school

13. close down

14. visions of the city

15. larger hospitals and more doctors

16. need somewhere to live

三 你知道下列句型吗?能用他们造个句吗?

1)It’s + 形容词+ for somebody to do something.


2)It takes somebody some time to do something.


3)decide to do


4)What do you think of something?


第一课时:(听说课)      Unit 1 It’s the biggest city in China.


Step 1课前预习检测。

1 英汉词组互译。

1)怎么样______________________    2)多亏_______________________________

3)查阅  ______________________    4)谈论______________________________

5)与…一起____________________    6)颁奖______________________________

7)the photo competition___________    8)get worse___________________

9)come up _____________________   10)an increasing population _____________


1) 这个城市超过百分之六十的人有自己的汽车。

Over _________ the people in the city ___________ their own cars.

2) 他觉得戒烟是件难事。

He found it difficult to __________________________.

3) 这个镇子有一万人口。

The town has __________________________ ten thousand.

4) 我们不知道如何应对噪音污染。

We don’t know ____________ deal with __________________.


Do you know the person who is ________________ to the winner?

Step 2 听力训练(Activity 3)

(   ) 1. What’s this week’s homework?

A. Pollution.           B. Population.         C. Traffic.

(   ) 2. What’s the population of the world?

A. About 136, 130,400.

B. About 6,500,000,000.

C. About 1,300,000,000.

(   ) 3. Why will Becky Wang present the prizes?

A. Because she is the singer with Crazy Feet.

B. Because she is the children’s favorite singer. .

C. Because she started the school magazine.


People all over the world

Babies born every minute ___________________.

Babies born every year ___________________.

Population of China _________________.

Population of the world ___________________.

Step 3语法讲练(Activity 3)

1 请读出下列大数字

1) 150, 000

2) 500.000

3) 2,100,000

4) 5,600,000

5) 82,550,000

6) 200,030,040

2. 冠词的用法

1)an/ a 取决于第一个字母的发音。

2)在上下文语境中,第一次提到的用不定冠词,第二次重复上文的名词前用 the。


4)最高级前用 the 。


6)天体名词前一定用 the。



9)the + 姓氏复数表示全家人或夫妇两人。

10)和某些形容词连用表示一类人或事物 。


12)三餐饭前,by 表交通工具结构中,节日前不加冠词。

Step 4 当堂检测(语法和句型)

1.____ person who started New Standard is Becky Wang.

2._____moon goes around ____ earth.

3. He borrowed___ book from his teacher. ___ book is lost now.

4. Chongqing is _____ biggest city in China.

5.You know _____ school prize-giving’ s coming up next week.

6.Tom likes playing____ football and his brother likes playing___ piano.

7.____ Smiths have two children.

8.____poor has the same rights as ____ rich does.

9.____ Great Wall is a great wonder of China.

10. He is always _____ first to come.

11. I had______ supper.

12. I went to Beijing by _____ train.

13. June 1st is _____ Children’s Day.

14. ______ eight-year-old boy

______ hour     ____ university

_____ European country

_____ honest boy



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