


英语学科具有全球性、开放性、实践性等特点。威廉希尔app 编辑了英语教案Module7Australia,希望能为各位教师提供到帮助。


本模块以“澳大利亚”为话题,以旅游为引线,介绍了澳大利亚的饮食 历史 文化等,使学生在学习语言知识的同时能了解不同国家 不同文化.旅游是一个很好的话题,澳大利亚也是一个热门国家,根据这个话题开展教学有助于激发学生的参与感,有助于教学的开展。 本模块的内容和旅游相关,是学生熟悉且感兴趣的话题,便于活动的开展.根据这些活动本模块开展了听 说 读 写等各种富于交际性的活动。本模块的主要语法是:能够理解that引导的限制性定语从句.



Vocabulary : hand, grape, expression, ours, sheep, spirit, wine, lamb, similar (to), ham, shark, have a look at, alongside, relative, helicopter, purple, rugby, sunshine, grey

Phrases: write a letter to sb, go on doing sth, keep doing sth, In the centre of, on one’s way back (from), be surprised at, in many ways, get tired, be similar to, lie down, full of , on the first day

Grammar: The restrictive attributive clause with that












2.教学难点:能够理解that在定语从句中的运用并能够理解there be句型中定语从句的使用



Unit1   I’m looking for the photo that you took  in Australia.

Teaching Aims

Knowledge Aims: 1. Ss will be able to master the vocabulary: shark, hand, have a look at, alongside

2. Ss will be able to understand the grammar: the restrictive attributive clause with that

Ability Aims: 1. Ss will be able to get information from the conversation.

2. Ss will be able to understand the conversation involving the use of the restrictive attributive clause

Moral Aims:  Ss will be able to pay attention to other people's emotions when talking about experiences, to show care and equality

Key points:  1.To get information from the conversation.

2.To understand the conversation involving the use of the restrictive attributive clause.

Difficult points:  the restrictive attributive clause with that

Teaching Procedure:

I. Lead in

Do you know where Australia is ?  Can you say something about Australia?

II. Word study




have a look at





III Match the words with the pictures.

Shark,  Sydney Opera House,  Uluru

IV. Listen and fill in the blanks

Which country has Tony chosen? He’s chosen 1.__________.

When were the Olympic Games held in Sydney? In 2.____________.

What animals would they like to see there? They’d like to see 3.__________, 4.________ and crocodiles.

Where is Uluru? It’s 5.______________ of the country.

Is Australia the largest English speaking country in the southern part of the world? 6.________.

V. What are the photos about?

1. Australia

5. shark

6. crocodiles   2. Uluru

3. Sydney Opera house

7. a huge rock

4. kangaroos

8. Great Barrier Reef

VI. Listen and answer the questions.

1. Why does Tony want his dad’s photos of Australia?

2. Does he know where to find them?

3. What does Tony think of the photo?

4. Why does Tony want to borrow the camera?

5. Is Tony’s dad surprised that Tony wants to win the photo competition?

6. Does Tony’s dad lend him the camera at once(立刻)?

VII. Please find the sentences with that in the conversation

1. I’m looking for the photos that you took in Australia.

2. We’re doing a project about countries that we want to visit.

3. And this one is a photo of a shark that I saw on the Great barrier Reef.

4. There were Kangaroos that were jumping alongside the car on our way back from Uluru.

5.There’s a photo competition that I want to win.

VIII Homework

1. Unit 3 activities 1, 2

2. Listen to the tape (Activity 3) for 10 minutes.

Period  2

Teaching Aims

Knowledge Aims: Ss will be able to master the phrases: writer a letter to, look for, by the way, would you like a hand, have a look at, in the centre of, with water on three sides, on one’s way back from, I bet

Ss will be able to understand the grammar: the restrictive attributive clause with that

Ability Aims: Ss will be able to retell Tony’s experience in Australia

Ss will be able to ask and give information about Australia.

Moral Aims: To learn the differences between Australia and China

Key points: Ss will be able to master the phrases: look for, would you like a hand, have a look at, writer a letter to, in centre of, with water on three sides, on one’s way back from, by the way, I bet

Ss will be able to retell Tony’ s talking with his father

Difficult points:  Ss will be able to ask and give information about describing Australia.

Teaching Procedure:

I. Complete the sentences in your own words:

1. Tony is looking for the photos that his dad took in Australia because he _______________________

2. Tony is going to write a letter to his mum and dad that describes____________

3. He likes the photo that shows_________

4. The kangaroos that Tony’s dad saw were ________________________

II. Language points:

1. What are you up to? =What are you doing?     做什么呢?

2. look for…寻找      指寻找的过程

find 找到            指找到的结果

find out  发现找到  指经过探听,询问,调查之后才发现。

1) 他昨天到处找钥匙,可是没找到。He _________the key everywhere ,but he didn’t _____it.

2) 你弄清楚他为什么迟到了么?Have you _________why he was late?

3. Would you like a hand to do sth.? 需要我帮你吗?

(1) hand用作名词,意为“手”。如:What’s in his hand? 他的手里面有什么?

(2) hand用作名词,还可意为“协助”。如:Could you give me a hand? 你能帮帮我吗?

(3) hand用作动词,意为“递;交给”,可构成短语hand in (交上), hand out (分发)等。如:

请把书递给我。Please hand the book to me.

你什么时候能交作业?When can you hand in your homework?

请把试卷发下去。Please hand out the test papers.

4. have a look at = look at = see  …看

5. in the center of = in the middle of

6. with water on three sides 三面环水

7. There were kangaroos that were jumping alongside the car on our way back from Uluru.


8. on one’s way back from ...   在从……返回的路上

on one’s way to...   在某人到……的途中,后接副词时通常要省掉介词to。

如:昨天我在回家途中顺便去了逛书店。I dropped in at the bookstore ________________yesterday.

9. by the way 顺便说

顺便说一句,今晚到我家串门喝一杯怎么样?__________,why not drop in for a drink this evening?

10.  I bet +从句 我敢肯定 我敢预言 我想

我想她不会来。________she won’t come.

III.  Try to translate the sentences

1. I’m looking for the photos that you took in Australia. 我在找您在澳大利亚拍的照片。

2. We’re doing a project about countries that we want to visit. 我们在做有关我们想去的国家的项目

3. And this one is a photo of a shark that I saw on the Great barrier Reef.


4. There were Kangaroos that were jumping alongside the car on our way back from Uluru.


5.There’s a photo competition that I want to win. 有一个我想赢的摄影比赛。

IV. 定语从句

1. 用作定语的从句叫定语从句。定语从句所修饰的名(代)词叫作先行词。定语从句一般紧跟在先行词的后面。

I’m looking for the photos (that you took in Australia)

2. 引导定语从句的that称为关系代词。常见的关系代词有which, who, whom等。关系代词放在先行词和定语从句之间,起连接作用,同时又作定语从句的一个成份。

关系代词:   that 指人/物,作主语或宾语

先行词+that +句子

V.Key points

1. What are you up to ?

2. =What are you doing?

3. look for…寻找

find 找到

find out发现找到

4. Would you like a hand to do?需要我帮你?

5. do a project 做一个项目

6. have a look at…看

7. a huge rock一块大礁石/岩石

8. a huge sailing boat一艘航行的轮船

9. with water on three sides 三面环水

10. a photo of… 一张……的照片

11.on one’s  way back (to) 在回某地的路上

12.by the way 顺便说/问

13.a photo competition  一次摄影比赛

14.take photos 照相

15.jump alongside the car  跟着车跳跃

16.I bet +从句 我敢肯定 我敢预言 我想

I bet she won’t come.

I bet you’ll never guess who I saw this morning.

VI. Join the two sentences.

1. My father took photos.    They were liked by everyone.

2.  This is a picture.     We found the picture in an old shop.

3.  Have you seen the clothes?         I bought the clothes last week.

4. We saw a tree.       It was thousands of years old.

VII. Consolidate.

1、顺便问一下,你母亲怎么样? ______________,how is your mother?

2、房间的中央放着一张桌子。There is a table _______________the room.

3、让我看一眼你的表。Let me ______________ your watch.

4、我每天读的那本书叫做《大逃亡》。The book that ________is called The Great Escape.

VIII. Homework

Exercises of Module 7 Unit 1.

Unit  2  The camel that I rode had a bad temper.

Teaching Aims

Knowledge Aims: Ss will be able to grasp the key words: sheep, ours, spirit, wine, grape, expression, ham, lamb, similar, relative,, helicopter, purple, rugby, sunshine, grey

Ss will be able to master the key phrases: worry about, arrive in/at, go on, keep doing,

Ss will be able to use the key structures: the restrictive attributive clause with that

Ability Aims:  Ss will be able to get information from the passage and understand the passage.

Ss will be able to identify information about the travel from the passage.

Moral Aims:  Ss will be able to understand the landscape in different countries and different culture.

Key points: To grasp the key words, phrases and structures.

To get information and understand the passage.

Difficult points:  The restrictive attributive clause with that.

Teaching Procedure:

I. Word Study

1. grape        n.

2. ham         n.

3. lamb        n.

4. relative      n.

5. sheep       (pl. sheep)  n.

6. spirit         n.

7. wine         n.

8. helicopter     n.

9. purple       n. &adj.

10. ours         pron.

11. rugby         n.

12. sunshine      n.

13. expression    n.

14. similar to

15. outback      n.

16. surfing      n.

17. cricket      n.

18. mate       n.

19. temper     n.

20. lifestyle    n.

II. Say something about Australia?

1. continent

2. capital

3. language

4.  weather

5. animals

6. places of interests

7. sports

in the centre of Australia / Aboriginal name for Ayers Rock / the centre of Aboriginal culture

3.6 kilometres long/ 348 metres high

They are the first people of Australia.

III. What is Tony going to say in his letter? (food, drinks, sports, animals)

1. Do the colours of the rock change?

2. Is their family life similar to or different from ours?

3. What food do most Australians like?

4.What sports did Tony mentioned(提及) in the passage?

5.What did Tony do during the trip?

6.What does Tony think of the trip ?

…The colours of the rock are fantastic, and at different times of the day, they change from purple to red. The Aborigines are the first people of Australia, and the ancient Aboriginal stories describe the spirits that created the world.

1. Do the colours of the rock change?     Yes, they do.

How to find key words

1. Key words    锁定句子    锁定段落    找到答案

2. Key words    锁定范围     找到答案

3. Key words     寻找相关词汇       找到答案

IV. Read the passage again and write notes about these.


also known as Ayers Rock; 3.6km long, 348m high;changes colours; centre of Aboriginal culture

The Aborigines

first Australians; old stories about creation

Australian lifestyle

family life like British; enjoy food, wine and sports


December- very bright and sunny

Languageww w.x k b1.co m

English , though different

Events during the trip

flew over Uluru in a helicopter; rode a bad-tempered camel

V. Language points:

1. be surprised at 对……感到惊讶

汤姆对考试的结果感到很惊讶。Tom ___________________the result of the exam.

be surprised to + v. 惊讶的做某事

汤姆听到消息很惊讶。Tom __________________hear the news.

2. be similar to 与……相似

他的答案和我的类似。His answer _____________mine.

3. be full of充满了……(强调状态)

be filled with 用……装满(强调动作)

瓶子里装满了水 The bottle ________________water.

4. although/though尽管(不能与but同时使用, 但能与still, yet同用)

Although/though he is very poor, he still tries his best to help others.

5. worry about     担心……(v. phr.)  be worried about  担心……(adj. phr.)

They _____________________their son’s health

6.arrive at (in) a place 到达某地


它在午夜时到达中国。 It will __________China at midnight.

我刚刚到机场。 I just ___________the airport.

7. go on  + n.继续

go on to do 表示放下手头的事去做另一件事

go on doing sth /go on with sth 继续做同一件事

他写完作业以后,继续学习英语。After he finished his homework, he________________ English.

他休息了几分钟后,继续做作业。After resting for a few minutes, he ______________his homework.

8. have a good/bad temper 有好/坏脾气

李小姐非常善良,脾气也很好。Miss Li is very kind and she____________________.

9. keep doing 一直做…… “不断做某事”,强调动作的连续不断,keep后通常接延续性动词。

他一直工作了3个小时。He _________________for 3hours.

10. such as (例如)  He likes sports very much, such as swimming, running and surfing.

VI. Key points in the letter.

1.at the moment = now 现在 此刻

2.on the first day 第一天

3.take the helicopter to sw.乘直升机去

4.over the rock 从岩石上面

5.be surprised at sth.对 感到惊奇/吃惊

6.at different times of the day在一天里不同的时段

7. from …to…  从…...到

8.create the world 创造世界

9.in many ways 在许多方面

10.be like 像

11.near the coast 在海边

12.like/love/enjoy doing喜欢做/爱做

13.a sheep一只绵羊  lots of sheep许多绵羊

14.on the hills/mountains 在山上

15.in the fields 在田里 在地里

16.be full of …. 充满

17.worry about 担心

18.arrive at /in sw. 到达

19.have a bad temper 有一个坏脾气

20.keep/kept doing 不停做

21.lie/lying down 躺下, 趴下

22.a fantastic trip 一次奇妙的旅行



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