牛津译林版初二英语《Friends》教案设计:Unit 1



教案是教师对新一课时讲授的整体设计,这样能够有效提高教学效率,因此威廉希尔app 为大家提供了初二英语Friends教案设计,希望对老师有所帮助。

Teaching Objectives:

To identify the words and phrases to describe the appearance and personality of a person

To talk about the important qualities of a good friend

Teaching contents:

Words: honest, joy, sad, believe, teenager, good-looking, musical

Phrases: have something to drink, make somebody happy/special, keep secrets, share one’s joy, believe what somebody says, talk to somebody about anything, clean and tidy

Sentences: Do you want some?

Can I have something to drink?

What about some milk?

Can I have some more food too?

There’s nothing else in the fridge.

Teaching preparations:

Tape recorder



Teaching procedures:

Step1 Warm-up

T: Hello everyone, glad to see you again! Did you have a nice summer holiday? Are you happy to be back to school and see all your friends?

Ss talk about their summer holidays.

T: This summer holiday I went to Australia with some of your classmates and friends. We took a lot of photos. Would you like to have a look?

Show the pictures and introduce some places of interest and animals in Australia.

T: Look, we took a photo with this famous man--- Batman. He’s a hero and people’s good friend because he helps people in danger. Do you agree? What do you think of him?

Ss talk about Batman with the adjectives describing appearance and personality, such as friendly, helpful, kind, polite, clever, brave, etc.

Step 2 Presentation

T: There are some more words to describe people. For example, we can say Batman is good-looking. But we never say he’s beautiful! We don’t use beautiful to describe a boy or a man. If someone likes music or is good at music, we say he or she is musical.

Teach “good-looking” and “musical”.

Step 3 Practice

1. Play a guessing game. Ss describe their best friends in the class and guess who are talked about.

2. T: Just now we heard some of the students talk about their best friends. Could you tell me which words are used most often?

Ss: friendly, helpful, polite…

T: So these are very important qualities of a best friend, do you think so? What other qualities are important to you?

Ss complete the table in Part B, P7. Then work in pairs to exchange their ideas and have a debate.

Sentences may be used:

I think my good friend should be very … because…

I agree. / I don’t agree with you because …

It’s quite important for a friend to be …? Do you think so?

I don’t think my good friend must be very …

3. T: Why do you think he/she is your best friend? What makes him/her so special to you? Can you talk to him/her about anything? Do you talk to him/her when you have problems? Do you believe what he/she says? When you are happy or sad, do you talk to him/her? Why?

Teach “sad”, “believe”, “honest” and “joy”.

Ss complete Part A, P7 and report individually.

4. T explains some language points.

Step 4 Presentation

1. T: How old is your best friend? What about you?

Ss: 15/16 …

T: So you are teenagers. We call children between 13 and 19 teenagers.

Teach “teenager”.

T: We have a good friend, Eddie. Is he a teenager?

Ss: No.

2. T: Who’s Eddie’s good friend? Why?

T plays the tape of the Comic strip and Ss try to find out the answer to the question.

(Hobo is Eddie’s good friend because they always share things with each other.)

3. Ss read the Comic strip and answer the questions:

(1) What does Eddie give Hobo?

(2) What does Hobo want?

(3) Do you think Eddie is a true friend? Why?

4. Ss read the dialogue in pairs.

5. T explains some language points.

Step 5 Practice

1. Ss act out the dialogue and they are encouraged to add in something they like.

2. Discuss: Who do you like better as a friend, Eddie or Hobo? Why?

3. Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about their good friends.

A model dialogue:

A: Who’s your good friend?

B: …

A: What’s he/she like?

B: …

A: What do you think of your friend?

B: …

A: What makes him/her so special to you?

B: … Can you tell me something about your good friend?

Step 6 Summarize

T: Today we have learned some important qualities about a good friend. It seems that we all think appearance is not so important, but a friend should be helpful and honest. And I hope everyone can be like that and you will have more friends.

Step 7 Homework

1. Describe a good friend of yours with the words and phrases learnt in this lesson.

2. Finish the Workbook exercises.

8A Unit 1  Friends   Reading (Ⅰ)

Teaching Objectives:

To guess general meanings from keywords and context

To skim text for overall meanings and scan for details

To identify specific information about different people form their friends’ descriptions

To use adjectives to describe people’s appearance and personalities



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