新学期初二上册英语七单元教案:Unit 7



教案一般包括教材简析和学生分析、教学目的、重难点、教学准备、教学过程及练习设计等内容。威廉希尔app 为大家提供了初二上册英语七单元教案,希望对大家有帮助。

I. Teaching aims and teaching demands:

In this unit students learn to describe a process and follow instructions.

II. Teaching key and difficult points:

A. Vocabulary

turn on, cut up, peel, pour, put, mix up how much, how many , amount blender, smoothie, yogurt ,watermelon ,ingredient ,cinnamon, sauce , teaspoon ,cup, tablespoon, popcorn , oven sandwich, mayonnaise, lettuce, relish ,turkey ,bread ,

first, then ,next, finally ,recipe

B.Target language

How do you make a banana smoothie ?

First, peel the milk into the blender…

Then put the milk into the blender….

How many bananas do we need ?

We need three bananas .

C. Structures


Countable /Uncountable nouns

How many /how much questions

III. Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and PPP

IV. Teaching aids: a tape recorder

V. This unit is divided into five periods.

Period One

I. Teaching aims and demands :

Students learn to describe a process and follow instructions.

II. Teaching key and difficult points:

A. Vocabulary

turn on, cut up, drink ,peel, pour, put, drink

blender, smoothie, yogurt,

B. Target language

How do you make a banana smoothie ? Peel the bananas,

Cut up the bananas, Put the bananas and the yogurt in the blender,

Pour the milk in the blender, Turn on the blender; Drink the smoothie.

III. Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and PPP

IV. Teaching aids: a tape recorder



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