初二英语上册第三单元教案:Unit 3你假期打算做什么?




Unit 3 What are you doing for vocation?

I. Teaching article: Unit Three

II. Teaching aims and demands:

What are you doing for vocation? I’m spending time with my friends..

What are you going? I’m going next week.

How long are you staying? We’re staying for two weeks.

III. Teaching importance and diffculty:

Talk about further plans.

IV. Teaching ways:

Revision, Learning, Practice and Reading.

V. Teaching tools:

Tape-recorder and Lattern.

V. Teaching time:

Six periods

VI. Teaching procedure:

The first period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary. Talk about further plans. Oral practice.

2. Ability Objects

Listening skill. Reading skill. Writhing skill.

3. Moral Object

Learn to make plans for tomorrow.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

What are you doing for vocation?

--I’m babysitting my sister.

III. Teaching Methods

Discover teaching method.

Listening and speaking methods.




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