初二上册英语教案:Can you come to my party教案



教案是教师对一节课的整体设想,创造性的教学设计,严谨、科学、有序的教学策略,能够有效的提高教学效率。因此,小编为各位老师准备了这篇初二上册英语教案:Can you come to my party教案,希望可以帮助到您!

Teaching aims:

1. Learn how to make, accept, decline invitation.

2. Talk about obligations with “have to”

3. Talk about the schedule.

Sentence structure

1. Can you come to my party?

Sure, I’d love to. I’d like to.

Sorry, I can’t. I have to

2. What’s the day?

What day is it today?

What’s the date today?


can, have to, have a piano lesson, help, invite, another, weekend, too much, join, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, play tennis, on Friday evening, go to the mall, this evening, really, busy, study for the test, whole & all, come over


Period 1

Step 1 Lead in

1. Can you help me?

Hello, everyone! Yesterday I received an invitation letter from my dear friend; she invites me to go to her Halloween party. But I have something important to do. I’m studying for a test. I don’t know what to do. What should I say? Can you help me?

2. Repeat the words above in Chinese. Tell them my obligations in Chinese so that the students can use target phrase “have to”.昨天,我收到了一封我同学寄来的邀请函,她请我参加她的万圣节聚会,但是我有些重要事情要做,我不得不为考试学习,我不知道该怎么跟她说?如果你们是我,你们会怎么回答呢?

3. Ask one student to answer my question.

“Julia, can you come to my party?”

4. Introduce the topic of this unit.

Step 2 1a~1c

1. Tell students to look at the book and find talk about the obligations. (Section A, 1a) Look at the pictures and learn the phrases.

have a piano lesson上一节钢琴课


give sb. a lesson上课,teach sb. a lesson教训

help my parents 与 help sb. with something

2. 1b Listen and check the answers.

3. Learn some language points while listening

on the Saturday afternoon, how about…, next time

4. Groupwork. Divide the students into groups of four and make conversations. Ask one group to act it out.



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