初二上学期英语教案之What’s the matter教案



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年 级八年级课题Unit 2 What’s the matter?1/4

课 型新 授


技能Have for talking about health problems; Modal should/shouldn’t


方法Talk about your health; Give advice


态度Look afrer your health

教学重点Get to know the words and phrases:head, nose, eye, ear, tooth, neck, stomach, back, leg, arm, foot, Throat, thirsty, stressed out, cold, fever, headache, toothache, stomachache, sore throat, dentist, lie, rest, honey, water, illness, advice, should, shouldn’t

教学难点Learn to use these structures.—What’s the matter? —I have a headache —You should drink some tea. —That sounds like a good idea.—I have a sore back. —That’s too bad. -----I hope you feel better soon.


教 学 过 程 设 计

教学内容及教师活动学生活动设 计 意 图

I.Warming up by discussing

.Hello, everyone! Can you name the parts of your body?How many parts of the body can you name? Let’s look at the doll and name the parts of the body.

II. Presentation.

1.Tell them keeping healthy is very important.So the content today is being healthy.

2.look at the picture and read the name of the body parts.And look at the picture of the students numbered 1 through 5.

3.Say:Can you tell what part of your body doesn’t feel good? Now let’s learn the new words in the picture. Please read after me.

matter sore have cold have a cold throat

4.Ask the students to write down the useful expressions from the conversation

have a cold, have a stomachache, have a sore back, have a toothache, have a sore throat

III.Pair work and speak

Work in pairs. Make their own conversations out of the picture on page 7. Then present their conversations to the class, using have for talking about health problems.


1.use have for talking about health problems and give advice using modal verbs should/shouldn’t.

2.Express some illnesses:

—I have a headache.

He has a stomachache.

She has a toothache.

They name the parts of their body:arm, back, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth

Write the correct letter after the name of each body part on the list. They must complete the activity individually. Here are the answers.

k arm c back g ear

i eye m foot a hand

l head b leg f mouth

d neck j nose h stomach e tooth

Students listen to the recording. There are conversations about each of these five students. Look at the picture and find the people that are being talked about. Listen to the tape and write the number next to them in the picture next to their names.

Nancy=3 Sarah=1 David=2 Ben=5 Judy=4

They read and remember the useful expressions



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