


组织课堂教学是一门艺术,能否吸引学生是上好一堂课的先决条件,威廉希尔app 编辑了Lesson84英语教案,欢迎参考!

Teaching Objectives:

Develop the students’ four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing;

Revise the whole unit.

Language Focus: leave. . . behind, It’s getting late. , It’s time for sb. to do sth., thank you for doing sth.

Properties: Tape- recorder

Teaching Procedures:

I. Revision

1. Ask 2 ~3 students to give a speech ‘Can Money Bring us Everything?

2. Dictate the language points of the whole unit.

II. Reading practice

1. Play the tape and ask the students to repeat the dialogue.

2. Listen to the tape and read after it.

3. Explain the language points.

1) leave sb./sth. behind: neglect or forget to bring or take.

Don’t leave me behind! It is very dark. I feel afraid.

The luggage has been left behind.

2) thank sb. for doing sth.

Thank you very much for help us. It’s very kind of you.

Thank you very much for sending us such a beautiful gift. We all enjoy it.

4. Ask the students to make a similar dialogue.

III. Listening practice

1. Pre-listening;

1) Ask the students to get ready for listening and tell them what they’ll hear.

2) Ask the students some situational questions related to the listening material.

2. While-listening:

Ask the students to bear the listening comprehension questions in mind.

3. After-listening;

Check listening comprehension questions.

IV. Grammar practice

1. Reflexive pronouns practice.

1)Ask the students to finish Exercise Two on Page 34.

2) Check the answers with the students.

3) Ask the students to read the dialogues.

2. The compound sentence practice.

1) Ask the students to finish the exercises on Page 35, making as many sentences as possible.

2) Ask the students to summarize the features of the compound sentences by themselves.

3) The teacher tells the students what the compound sentences are.

V. Writing

1. Ask the students to rewrite the scrambled thank-you note.

2. Check with the students.

VI. Revise the whole unit

1. Go over the checkpoint with the students.

2. Go over the words and expressions with the students.

VII. Exercises in class


1. Don’t do faces while the teacher is teaching.

2. They often speak their son stories.

3. Will you please open the radio?

4. I want to thank you for invite us.

5. It’s time for go, hurry up!



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