




1.I want some clothes for my daughter. 我想给女儿买些衣服。

want some clothes想买一些衣服,for介词,意为―为了……‖。

如:We buy a new chair for our office. 我们给办公室买了一把新椅子。

We have some eggs and milk for breakfast. 我们早餐吃了一些鸡蛋,喝了些牛奶。

2.Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。

(1)同义句:Thank you very much.

回答:That's all right. =That's OK. =You're welcome. =Not at all.

(2)a lot意思为―很,非常‖,同义词very much。

如:I like him a lot. 我非常喜欢他。

I feel a lot better now. 我身体现在好多了。

链接:a lot of/ lots of―很多‖的意思,修饰名词。一般用于肯定句,在否定句和疑问句中则用many/much。

如:I have a lot of/ lots of/ many books. 我有很多书。

Do many people like football in China? 在中国有许多人喜欢足球吗?

3.What can I do for you, madam? 女士,要买点什么吗?


― May/Can I help you? ‖或―What can I do for you? ‖

而不说―What do you want? ‖否则会显得没有礼貌。顾客如需购物可以回答

―Yes, please. ‖然后说出自己所需物品。如果仅想逛商店,可回答―I'm just looking, thanks. ‖或―No, thanks. Just have a look. ‖

如:—Can I help you? /What can I do for you? 要买点什么吗?

—I'd like to buy a new pair of shoes. 我想买双新鞋。

—May I help you? 你要点什么?

—I'm just looking, thanks. 谢谢,我只随便看看。

4.Not at all. 不用谢,没关系。

链接:not… at all. 一点也不,常用于加强否定的含义。

I don't want to go to school at all. 我根本不想上学。

He doesn't like bread at all. 他一点也不喜欢面包。

5.Can I try it on? 我能试穿一下吗?

try on意为―试穿‖,这是动词和副词构成的词组,宾语是名词可以放在try与on之间,也可以放在on的后面,如果是代词必须放在try与on的中间。

如:Please try on this new sweater.=Please try this new sweater on. 请试穿一下这件新毛衣。

These are new shoes. Try them on, please. 这些是新鞋,请试试。



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