初一下册英语知识点:Uint 3





1. Let's see the pandas first.

2. Why do you want to see the lions?      Because they're cute.

3. Do you like…..?

4. What animals do you like ?

5. What other animals do you like?

6. She likes to play with her friends and eat grass.

7. Please be quiet.

8. Isn't he cute?

9.He sleeps during the day ,but at night he gets up and eats leaves.

10. He usually sleeps and relaxes 20 hours every day.


1. let sb do sth  让某人做某事

2. why ………..             Because………..

3. an elephant     an  animal

4. an interesting +名词    一个有趣的……

5. kind of +形容词   有几分   It's kind of interesting.

a kind of……   一种       a kind of  movies

all kinds of = different kinds of   各种各样的   all kinds of  books

6. be friendly to sb  对某人友好  She is friendly to us.

7. other   别的(后面经常跟名词)      词组:one….., the other ….

I have two pens, one is new, the other one is old.

What other questions do you want to ask?

else    别的 ,其它的(放在疑问词或不定代词之后)

anything  else          what else do you want to ask?

8. like 的用法

like 像……. (介词)          be like  /look like / sound like

like 喜欢   (动词)          like sth  /like to do sth  /like doing sth

What is he like?  =What does he look like?  他长什么样?

What does he like?  他喜欢什么?



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