初一英语上册:This is me练习题(牛津译林版)



英语是我们除母语外又学习的第二语言,因此英语对我们来说也是非常重要的,下面威廉希尔app 为大家整理了This is me练习题,希望大家可以通过这个练习来检验自己。

一、 短语互译(10分)

1. 照看,照顾 ______________     2. 晚安_____________________

3. 踢足球     ______________     4. 擅长于___________________

5. 一些新朋友 ______________     6.  after school________________

7. tall and slim  ______________     8.  in Grade 7_________________

9. wear glasses  _______________    10. come from_________________

二、音标 把下列单词按划线部分字母的发音进行归类(5分)

student  table  these  ninety  child  cold  pupil  photo  late  e-dog

1. make                 2.me                 3.Mike

4. music                 5. most


(   )1. —Nice to meet you!   —        .

A. Good morning  B How do you do?. C. Nice to meet you ,too  D. How are you?

(   )2.—Are you Meimei?    —

A. I’m Meimei.  B. My name is Jim  C.Yes, she is Meimei.   D. No, I’m Jim.

(   )3.Now let’s         our new classmates.

A. meet     B. meeting    C. to meet    D. to meeting

(   )4.My sister likes         music

A.  a      B . an        C  the.      D.不填

(   )5.Millie likes        , she often plays         basketball on Sundays.

A. sport, the   B. sports, /   C. sport, a   D. sports, the

(   )6.I’m in         this year.

A. grade 8    B.8 grade     C. the Grade 8   D. Grade 8

(   )7.Now Sam lives         his family in Shanghai

A. at         B. with      C. of        D.in

(   )8.My mother is good at        . She is a good dancer.

A.  dancing  B. dancer  C. dance   D. dances

(   )9.—Which one is different from the other three?    —It’s       .

A.  classmate  B. friend  C. cousin  D. e-dog

(   )10.—       ? — I’m eleven years old.

A. How are you B. How old are you  C. How do you do  D. How do you like it

(   )11. Kitty loves        .

A. read    B. reads  C. to read D. reading

(   )12.Sandy is my best friend. Her hair         long.

A. am     B. is      C. are     D. /

(   )13. — I’m 13 years old. What about you?   —I’m        .

A. fat     B. fine   C. five     D. in Class Five

(   )14.—Are you new students?  —        .

A. Yes, we aren’t  B. No, we are  C. Yes, I am   D. No, we aren’t

(    )15. .Everyone ______ here now. Let’s   ________.

A. are , begin    B. are, to begin    C. is , to start  D. is ,start

(   ) 16 . He and I _________from  Tianjing.

A . is  B . am   C .are  D . be

(  )17. Mum,         my teacher Miss Li.

A. She is           B. That is         C. This is             D. this is

(   )1 8. — What class are you in ? —                   .

A. I’m in One Class  B. I’m in Class One   C. Yes, I am  D. No, I’m not

(   )1 9. Where         Andy          from?

A. does, is         B. does, is come     C. does, come          D.do, come

(   )20. Miss Li has long black hair and           .

A. wear glasses     B. wears glasses        C. wear glass      D. wears glass


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