






( )21. This is _______ apple, and that is _______ pear.

A. a; a     B. a; an      C. an; a    D. an; an

( )22. ______ dessert, he eats ice cream.

A. In      B. To       C. Of      D. For

( )23. —Jane, ______ your brother like oranges?—No, he only likes app les.

A. is       B. are      C. do      D. does

( )24. To keep (保持) ______, John plays sports every day.

A. last     B. healthy  C. boring    D. difficult

( )25. —Let’s have some ______. —OK. I like fruit.

A. bananas    B. hamburgers   C. eggs   D. chicken

( )26. Can you ________ the strawberries to me, Mom?

A. have     B. bring    C. watch    D. eat

( )27. They have ______ desks and chairs.

A. a lot   B. a lots  C. lot of    D. lots of

( )28. —_______ do you like? —Ice cream.

A. What   B. How    C. Where    D. What color

( )29. Bill ______ soccer, but he doesn’t ______ basketball.

A. like; like  B. likes; like   C. like; likes  D. likes; likes

( )30. —Do your parents like chicken? —______. But I like it.

A. Yes, we do   B. No, we don’t   C. Yes, they do   D. No, t hey don’t



My name is Alice. I 31 two brothers. Their (他们的) 32 are Peter and Paul. Peter and Paul like 33, and they eat chicken  for lunch  every day. But I like vegetables and fruit. Vegetables and fruit are good for my health (健康). I eat 34 every day. So I am healthy.

Peter and Paul also 35 dessert. Their favorite (最喜欢的) dessert is 36 . But ice cream is not good for their health. They can’t 37 ice cream every day. My favorite food 38 apples and tomatoes. I eat apples for 39 every morning and tomatoes for dinner every 40.

( )31. A. have       B. take      C. need       D. watch

( )32. A. sports      B. photos    C. names      D. numbers

( )33. A. carrots     B. pears     C. salad       D. chicken

( )34. A. it         B. them       C. us        D. they

( )35. A. like       B. lost        C. spell       D. thank

( )36. A. bananas    B. ice cream   C. tomatoes   D. French fries

( )37. A. look       B. bring       C. eat       D. found

( )38. A. am        B. is          C. are       D. Be

( )39. A. breakfast   B. lunch       C. dinner    D. food

( )40. A. morning    B. noon       C. afternoon  D. evening


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