七年级英语上册练习题:Module 1





1. Don’t forget _______ the window when you leave the house.

A. closing     B. open     C. to close      D. close

2. —What _______ things would you like to buy?


A. else       B. other      C. some      D. any

3. There’s so _______ new interesting books in the school library.

A. many     B. much     C. any      D. some

4. How about _______ down your English name here?

A. to write      B. write      C. writes      D. writing

5. I think you did as _______ as Jim.

A. good      B. well       C. better      D. best

6. ——I think drinking milk every morning is good _______ our health.

——Yes. I agree _______ you.

A. to; to      B. with; to      C. at; with      D. for; with

7. ——Have you finished _______ the book?

——Not yet. I will try _______ it to you before Friday.

A. reading; returning        B. to read; to return

C. reading; to return        D. to read; returning

8. Lisa is a little poor at Chinese. I think she needs _______ it every day.

A. practice to speak

B. to practice speaking

C. practice speaking


1. He always practices _______ (say) the words again and again.

2. It’s a good idea ________________________ (watch) English films.

3. What about _______________________(remember) five to ten words every day?

4. I think writing is as important as _______(read).

5. There is a mistake in your __________________ (pronounce) of this word.


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