



一、单项选择( 共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 填在题前括号内。

1. Breakfast is ______ important meal. ______ meal gives us energy for the day.

A. a, The           B. an, The         C. the, A         D. the, An

2 . --________ are you late for school?    --Because my bike is wrong.

A. Why       B. What          C. Where        D. Which

3. There _______ a lot of bread and some milk for breakfast in t he fridge..

A. is             B. are          C. have           D. has

4. Look!  I can see some _________ trees over there.

A. apples           B. apple’s          C. an apple     D. apple

5. On __________, we can eat turkey and all kinds of fruit.

A. Halloween     B. Christmas    C. Thanksgiving Day   D. Easter

6. My father doesn’t like drinking coffee.So he _______ drinks it.

A. usual ly         B. often          C. never         D. always

7. —How many _______ can you see in the kitchen?   —Four.

A. bottles of juices           B. bottles of juice

C. bottle of juices          D. bottle of juice

8.—Happy New Year, Kitty!      一__________.

A.Yes, I’m very happy         B.Thanks . The same to you

C.OK, you’ re right           D.Not at all

9.—Would you like _____ to drink?         —Yes, a cup of tea, please.

A. anything B. something C. nothing D.everything

10. This book is ________. Give it to ________, please.

A. her, her       B. hers, she      C. her, she     D. hers, her

11. Linda eats ________ rich food. She must change her diet.

A. too many  B. too much   C. much too  D. many too

12. Mum,________ at 5:30 tomorrow morning.

A. waking me up           B. wake up me

C. wake me up             D. wakes me up

13. Thank you very much for ________ the birthday cake for me.

A. to cut          B. cutting         C. cut            D. cuts

14. —May I have ________ water? —Sorry. There isn’t ______ here.

A. some; any        B. any; any      C. any; some      D. some; some

15. I will buy an Mp3 or Mp4 ________ my mother.She likes music.

A. to             B. give           C. for           D. as

二、完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

Today is the last Saturday before Christmas. Everyone in the USA   1   shopping for presents.   2   is falling. People are walking fast. They are trying to keep  3   when they move from shop to shop. In the shops children are   4   at the toys. They are talking to a man named Father Christmas. He asks, “What do you want for Christmas?”

In the USA it is warm and beautiful in summer. The trees and fields are green then. But now it is winter and   5  is white.

At   6   there are different colours. Small lights make the houses and buildings   7  . Christmas is a beautiful   8   of a year.

Christmas Day always begins   9   breakfast. Children wake up very early. They open the        10   from their parents. Then they wake up their parents, saying “Merry Christmas.”

1. A. am B. is C. was   D. were

2. A. Snow B. Rain C. Leaf D. Kite

3. A. happy B. nice C. cold D. warm

4. A. working B. knocking C. looking D. pointing

5. A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. everyone

6. A. evening B. night C. morning D. afternoon

7. A. bad B. nice C. old D. new

8. A. food   B. place C. party D. time

9. A. at B. for C. after D. before

10. A. doors B. presents C. windows D. TV


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