


2016年暑假已经到来,家长在在暑假中一定督促孩子认真完成作业和注意假期安全。威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供了初一年级暑假英语作业练习题,供大家参考。

一. 语法专练。

1. --_____________she _____________(play) her guitar(吉他) yesterday?

--No, she _____________.

2.—What ___________Tom __________ (do) on Saturday evening?

--He _________(watch) TV and __________(read) an interesting book.

3.She _____________(not visit) her aunt last weekend. She ____________(stay) at home and ___________(do) some cleaning.

4.–How _______________(be) Jim’s weekend?

--It _________________(be not ) bad.

5. He often ______(play) basketball after school when he was a student.

6.There ____________(be) a lot of people in this village five years ago

7. She ________(write) her address on the blackboard ten minutes ago.

8.He cleaned his room yesterday. (对划线部分提问)

__________  __________ he __________ yesterday?

9. My family went to the beach last week.(对划线部分提问)

_________  ________  __________ family ___________ last week?

10. There was some water in the bottle.(改为一般疑问句)

________  __________  _________water  in the bottle?


Great weather!  It was  1  and hot all day. We  2   to a beautiful beach.

We had great fun  3   in the water. In the afternoon, we went  4  . On the way, I found a little boy  5   in the corner. He was  6  . I helped  7   find his father. That made me  8   very happy. I didn’t have  9   money  10   a taxi. So I walked back to the hotel.

(   )1. A. sunny           B. cloud           C. wind

(   )2. A. go              B. got             C. went

(   )3. A. play            B. played           C. playing

(   )4. A. shop            B. shopped         C. shopping

(   )5. A. cries            B. crying           C. cried

(   )6. A. lose             B. lost             C. crying

(   )7. A. his              B. he              C. him

(   )8. A. feel             B. feeling           C. felt

(   )9. A. some            B. any             C. a little

(   )10. A. with            B. for              C. on


Kim went to a beautiful beach on Monday with his friends . It was sunny and hot. So they had great fun playing in the water. In the afternoon, they went shopping. But the shops were crowded, they didn’t really enjoy it.

The next day, it was rainy, so they went to a museum. It was boring. Kim found a small boy crying in the corner. The boy was lost. He helped the boy find his father. Kim was very happy. But he had no money for a taxi. So he had to walked back to the hotel. That made him very tired.

On Wednesday, the weather was very cool. So they played tennis. They played all morning. It was really fun.



A:You ______ tired.?

B:I am.I had a ______ weekend.?

A:Did you play ______ games??

B:Yes,I ______.On Saturday morning,I ______ soccer on my computer.Then I watched a football match.?

A:Where did you ______ it??

B:______ TV.?

A:Great.And what did you do on Sunday night??

B:I          to the music till midnight.?

A:It sounds ______ fun.?

B:Yes,but I’m ______ of tired.?


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