


为了帮大家提高学习成绩,威廉希尔app 初中频道在这里为大家整理了七年级下册暑假英语作业试题,希望大家可以用心去看,去学习。

(      ) 1.There         a teacher and forty-two students in the classroom.

A. is            B. are          C. be

(      ) 2.We won’t have our sports meeting if it         tomorrow.

A. will rain      B. rains               C. rained

(      ) 3.         , do you have a ruler?

A. Hello             B. Sorry             C. Excuse me

(      ) 4.Are         hot dogs over there yours?

A. these              B. those              C. this

(      ) 5.--Must I finish my homework now?  --No, you         .

A. mustn’t          B. can’t       C. needn’t

(      ) 6.Listen! Can you hear birds         in the tree?

A. sing                  B. to sing               C. singing

(      ) 7.Li Lei’s watch is newer than         .

A. his sister’s      B. his sisters       C. his sister

(      ) 8.          from the zoo, you’ll see an old hotel.

A. Across     B. Next     C. Near

(      ) 9.  Most students go to school         the school bus.

A. on                 B. by           C. take

(      ) 10.  Lucy and Lily         China next week.

A. visit         B. is visiting        C. are visiting

(      ) 11.  Maria is good          swimming, so she can teach me how to swim.

A. for          B. of     C. at

(      ) 12.  This yellow pencil is         from that one.

A. difficult           B. different                C. difference

(      ) 13. --Oh, there is someone in the room.  --         must be my mother.

A. She                       B. This               C. It

(      ) 14. The flowers smell         .

A. well                      B. badly             C. good

(      ) 15. This bag of rice is         heavier than that one.

A. much             B. more              C. very

(      ) 16. Of all the boys, Lin Tao         .

A. the tallest       B. taller               C. tall

(      ) 17. It’s very cold. You’d better         on your coat.

A. to put             B. put          C. putting

(      ) 18. Find the answer         the question, please.

A. to           B. of            C. for

(      ) 19. There is         milk in the fridge. I must buy some.

A. a little      B. little         C. few

(      ) 20.          go boating with the teachers next Sunday?

A. What about    B. Let’s       C. Why not


Ⅰ                                                Ⅱ

(    ) 1. How do you like Chinese food?                 A. I fell down.

(    ) 2. Did you have a good time last Sunday?  B. Three days ago.

(    ) 3. The car hit me hard.                     C. Very much.

(    ) 4. You’re from Canada, aren’t you?        D. Good idea.

(    ) 5. Shall we go fishing?                         E. Cloudy and cold.

(    ) 6. What’s the weather like today?         F. You need something to eat.

(    ) 7. I’m a little hungry.                   G. No, thanks.

(    ) 8. Would you like another cake?          H. I’m afraid he’s out at the moment.

(    ) 9. When did you have a meeting?         I. That’s right.

(    )10. Could I speak to Jim, please?         J. Yes, I think so.

III、 完型填空。

A: Hello! May I speak    1    Toby?

B: Speaking!

A: Hi, Toby!    2    Tina speaking.

B: What’s wrong?

A: I called you yesterday, but there was no reply. Where did you go?

B: I went to the aquarium(水族馆)    3    my parents.

A: Really?    4    was your trip?

B: It was great,. We saw the dolphins show. They’re very wonderful.

A: That sounds   5    .

B: By    6    way, why   7    you call me?

A: Oh, tomorrow is my birthday. Would you come to my birthday party?

B: Yes, I’d    8    . Thanks a lot.

(      ) 1.  A. with                     B. about                    C. to

(      ) 2.  A. I’m                             B. That’s                   C. This is

(      ) 3.  A. with                     B. from                       C. over

(      ) 4.  A. What about           B. How                     C. How often

(      ) 5.  A. interesting            B. interested              C. interests

(      ) 6.  A. a                         B. the                         C. an

(      ) 7.  A. were                           B. do                         C. did

(      ) 8.  A. love to                 B. love                       C. love to do

IV、 阅读理解。


Mrs. Brown is very fat. “Don’t eat meat and cake any more.” Her doctor says to her. “I’m going to stop her eating them, doctor.” Her husband says. The next morning, Mrs. Brown makes a beautiful cake, and her husband eats half of it. Then he goes out. Mrs. Brown cuts a very small piece of the cake and eats it. It is very delicious. She cuts a bigger piece and eats it. In a few minutes she finishes the cake. “My husband is going to be angry.” She says. “What shall I do?” She makes another cake very quickly, eats half of that, and leaves the other half on the table.

Her husband comes back later. He sees the half of the cake on the table and is very happy.

(      ) 1.  Why does the doctor tell Mrs. Brown not to eat meat and cakes?

Because         .

A.     meat and cakes are not good food.

B.     Mrs. Brown likes them very much.

C.     Meat and cakes make her fatter.

(      ) 2.  Which is true?

A.     Mr. Brown eats half of the cake and leaves the other half for his wife.

B.     Mrs. Brown eats half a cake that morning.

C.     Mrs. Brown eats one cake that morning.


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