


学期期末考试完结,接下来就是假期时间,威廉希尔app 初中频道特整理了七年级英语下册暑假作业试题,希望能够对同学们有所帮助。

I、选择填空 。

(      ) 1.There         a teacher and forty-two students in the classroom.

A. is            B. are          C. be

(      ) 2.We won’t have our sports meeting if it         tomorrow.

A. will rain      B. rains               C. rained

(      ) 3.         , do you have a ruler?

A. Hello             B. Sorry             C. Excuse me

(      ) 4.Are         hot dogs over there yours?

A. these              B. those              C. this

(      ) 5.--Must I finish my homework now?  --No, you         .

A. mustn’t          B. can’t       C. needn’t

(      ) 6.Listen! Can you hear birds         in the tree?

A. sing                  B. to sing               C. singing

(      ) 7.Li Lei’s watch is newer than         .

A. his sister’s      B. his sisters       C. his sister

(      ) 8.          from the zoo, you’ll see an old hotel.

A. Across     B. Next     C. Near

(      ) 9.  Most students go to school         the school bus.

A. on                 B. by           C. take

(      ) 10.  Lucy and Lily         China next week.

A. visit         B. is visiting        C. are visiting

(      ) 11.  Maria is good          swimming, so she can teach me how to swim.

A. for          B. of     C. at

(      ) 12.  This yellow pencil is         from that one.

A. difficult           B. different                C. difference

(      ) 13. --Oh, there is someone in the room.  --         must be my mother.

A. She                       B. This               C. It

(      ) 14. The flowers smell         .

A. well                      B. badly             C. good

(      ) 15. This bag of rice is         heavier than that one.

A. much             B. more              C. very

(      ) 16. Of all the boys, Lin Tao         .

A. the tallest       B. taller               C. tall

(      ) 17. It’s very cold. You’d better         on your coat.

A. to put             B. put          C. putting

(      ) 18. Find the answer         the question, please.

A. to           B. of            C. for

(      ) 19. There is         milk in the fridge. I must buy some.

A. a little      B. little         C. few

(      ) 20.          go boating with the teachers next Sunday?

A. What about    B. Let’s       C. Why not


Ⅰ                                                Ⅱ

(    ) 1. How do you like Chinese food?                 A. I fell down.

(    ) 2. Did you have a good time last Sunday?  B. Three days ago.

(    ) 3. The car hit me hard.                     C. Very much.

(    ) 4. You’re from Canada, aren’t you?        D. Good idea.

(    ) 5. Shall we go fishing?                         E. Cloudy and cold.

(    ) 6. What’s the weather like today?         F. You need something to eat.

(    ) 7. I’m a little hungry.                   G. No, thanks.

(    ) 8. Would you like another cake?          H. I’m afraid he’s out at the moment.

(    ) 9. When did you have a meeting?         I. That’s right.

(    )10. Could I speak to Jim, please?         J. Yes, I think so.


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