


最让我快乐的是什么?是假期,接下来看看威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的最新版七年级下册英语暑期作业,即使在家里也能快乐的学习呀!


A)单项填空  从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

16. -Do you hear there was _______ fire in the shopping mall last night?

- Yes. I never thought _______ fire can be so terrible.

A. the; the            B./; a          C. the; a           D. a; /

17. - Take one more pen. If your pen doesn't work during the exam, you can use the other one.

- OK, Mum. You are always_______.

A. grateful            B. useful         C. thoughtful      D. wonderful

18. The boy learns everything quickly because he has a good _______.

A. memory        B. idea            C. ability           D. dream

19. - Does the MP4 0n the desk belong to_______?

- No, it is _______.

A. you; her        B. hers; mine       C. you; his         D. him; you

20. _______ boys in my class can ski but _______ of them can do as well as Jim does.

A. Few; few       B. Many; few       C. A few; many     D. A few; a few

21. - Look! Mrs Green is wearing a black dress today.

- I think she _______ wear red. She looks young in red.

A. should         B. must            C. may            D. need

22. The boy _______ that the duck _______ two eggs yesterday.

A. lied; lied       B. laid; laid         C. lied; laid        D. laid; lied

23. - I've bought a box of chocolate for our daughter.

- Oh, how good a dad! But she doesn't like sweet things. _______ know that?

A. Do you        B. Don't you        C. Won't you       D. Didn't you

24. I'm too busy _______ my homework _______ walk my dog every day.

A. to do; to       B. doing; to         C. to do; /         D. doing; /

25. - Daniel is ill. I _______ to see him after school.

- Sorry to hear that. I _______ with you.

A. am going; will go                  B. am going; am going

C. will go; am going                  D. will go; am planning

26. - Who left the window _______?

- Sorry. I forgot _______ it when I left yesterday.

A. opened; to close     B. open; to close   C. open; closing     D. opening; closing

27. - _______ does it take to get to the bus stop from your home?

- About twenty minutes.

A. How far          B. How much        C. How long      D. How many

28. - Mum, why _______ some water?

- Good idea. I am feeling a little thirsty.

A. not stop drinking                  B. not stop to drink

C. don't we stop drinking              D. not we stop to drink

29. It was difficult for me to _______ this morning because I slept too late last night.

A. wake up        B. go up          C. pull up              D. pick up

30. - Do you know some butterflies taste with their feet?

- _______ I can't believe it.

A. Yes, you're right.   B. Oh, I think so    C. Are you sure?    D. Oh, really?


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