


聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,接下来威廉希尔app 为大家提供的英语七年级下册暑期作业



21. - Look! What's that in _______ cartoon film?

- Oh, it's ______ UFO from space.

A. the; a             B. the; an           C. a; the          D. a; a

22. - Are you reading a letter?

- Yes. I _______ my uncle in America this morning.

A. heard of           B. heard from       C. heard it from    D. got from

23. - Must I clean the bird cage every day?

- No, you _______.You_______ do it once a week.

A. mustn't, can        B. needn't; must      C. can't; can       D. needn't; can

24. - Do you know that Tom fell off his bike and broke his leg this morning?

- Really? _______bad news!’

A. What              B. What a           C. How          D. How a

25. - How careless you are to _______the stove_______    while you're away!

- Sorry, mum.1 won't do it again.

A. let; on            B. let; open           C. leave; on       D. leave; open

26. You can't go fishing with Dad ______ you finish your homework.

A. because           B. after              C. while          D. until

27. On her way home Lucy saw a boy _______in the street. She stopped______110 at once.

A. cry; calling        B. to cry; to call       C. crying; to call    D. crying; calling

28. - The fashion show is terrible.

- Yes.1 want to leave now. Where is the_______?

A. exit              B. entrance           C. seat            D. corner

29. - Does this Walkman belong to_______ ,Bob?

- No, it's the ______.

A. yours; twins'       B. you; twins'          C. you; twins      D. yours; twin's

30. I kept myself______ by walking up and down.

A. warmly           B. warm               C. to warm       D. be warm

31. - Tony, I have trouble ______ the text.

- Remember ______ it three times at least.

A. to understand; reading                    B. understanding; reading

C. understanding; to read                    D. to understand; to read

32. There ______ a football match next Sunday.

A. is going to have      B. is going to be      C. will have      D. will going to be

33. - Listen! Somebody is singing in the next room. Is it Amy?

- No, it ______ be her. She is at school now.

A. may not            B. mustn't          C. can't           D. won't

34. We looked around, but we couldn't see ______.

A. something unusual                     B. unusual something

B. anything unusual                       D. unusual anything

35. - The bus has left.  You've missed it.

-______. There will be another one in five minutes.

A. What a pity!     B. No problem.    C. Thank you for telling me.   D. Never mind.


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