


学期期末考试很快完结,接下来就是假期时间,威廉希尔app 特整理了暑期作业英语七年级下册,希望能够对同学们有所帮助。


A)单项填空  从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

16.—_______unusual snake! It is only lcm long.

A. What an           B. How           C. What a      D. How an

17. His seat is next to _______and the bag belongs to _______.

A. mine, he           B. me, him        C. me, his      D. mine, him

18. — It is raining so hard. Anything _______ happen to him.

—Don't worry, He is a careful driver.

A. can't              B. can            C. must        D. mustn't

19. There _______ a wonderful football match between Spain and Italy next week.

A. will have       B. is going to have     C. is going to be    D. is

20. —Have a friendly talk with your angry friend, and I think it _______.

—Oh, thanks.1 will try my best to make her happy.

A. worked        B. work             C. is working       D. will work

21. —Could you please _______my goldfish while I'm away?

—It's my pleasure.

A. look at         B. look for           C. look after        D. look up

22. —_______do you want to put the sofa?

—Next to the table.

A. What          B. Where            C. How            D. When

23. In autumn, you can often see leaves _______ in the air,

A. to fly          B. flew             C. have flown        D. fly

24. They couldn't reach the village on the other side of the river because there is no Bridge _______it.

A. on            B. up               C. through          D. above

25. I knew nothing about the news _______ my classmates told me.

A. since          B. if               C. until             D. after

26. Our teacher asked us to write _________story..

A. a 80-word      B. an 80-word       C. a 80-words       D. an 80-words

27.—Would you like _______cup of coffee?

—No, thanks. I've had enough.

A. another         B. other            C. else             D. the others

28. The little boy wasn't listening _______ in class, so he often missed some important parts.

A. careful enough   B. enough careful     C. carefully enough  D. enough carefully

29. It's nice of you to _______ so much time showing me around your school.

A. take            B. spend            C. cost            D. pay

30. —I fell off my bike and hurt my legs.


A. That's nothing.                     B. I'm sorry to hear that.

C. Never mind.                       D. That's all right.


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