


学期期末考试很快完结,接下来就是假期时间,威廉希尔app 特整理了初中一年级第二学期英语暑假作业,希望能够对同学们有所帮助


(   )1. Mary plays         violin every day ,but she never plays      chess .

A. a , the   B. the ,the   C. / , the   D. the , /

(   )2.―What do you        the story ?

―It’s boring .

A. think of   B. like   C. get to   D. tell

(   )3. ―      does your father go to work ?

―By car .

A. How    B. How long  C. What   D. When

(   )4. It usually takes my mother half an hour        breakfast .

A. make   B. makes   C. to make  D. making

(   )5. It isn’t easy for the st udents      the river .

A. cross   B. across   C. to cross  D. to across

(   )6. Mr.Green wants to       to Beijing .

A. on a train   B. by train   C. take a train  D. take train

(   )7. Tina is      English girl .

A. a 18-year-old  B. an 18-year-old C. 18 years old D. a 18-years –old

(   )8.―Does he get to s chool by bike or on foot ?

―            .

A. Yes , he does   B. No , he doesn’t

C. By bike    D. He gets to school by bike or on foot

(   )9. ―Can Li Hao drive a car ?

―       . It’s easy for him .

A. Yes , he can  B. No,he can’t  C. He can drive a bus D. Yes , he can’t

(   )10. Tom’s uncle wants to find a new       .He doesn’t like to       here .

A. work ; work B. job ; job  C. job ; work   D. work ; job

(   )11. Either you or your brother      English well .

A. speaks   B. speak   C. say    D. talks

(   )12. Some food isn’t good for us ,but it         good .

A. tastes    B. eats   C. sounds    D. taste

(   )13. Tom wants       to you .Are you free ?

A. to tell   B. tell   C. to talk    D. talk

(   )14. Can you help me      my English ?

A.with   B. of   C. learni ng    D. about

(   )15.Do you like        ? Let’s       to the swimming pool (池).

A. swimming ; going  B. swimming ; go  C. to swim ; to go D. swim ; going

(   )16. Tom can play the guitar ,     he can’t play it          .

A. or ; good    B. and ; well   C. but ; good   D. but ; well

(   )17. Food is good         our health ,and my friend Lily is good      cooking (烹饪)nice food.

A. at ; for     B. with ; for   C. for ; at    D. at ; with

(   )18.―    is the bus stop from here ?

―It’s 10 kilometers .

A. How often    B. How long   C. How soon   D. How far

(   )19. Our weekend is coming .Two      students in our school want to go hiking .

A. hundred    B. hundreds  C. hundred of   D. hundreds of

(   )20. Please cheer up (振作起来)! We believe your dream can      one day .

A. Come in     B. Come true   C. Come out   D. Come on


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