


最让我快乐的是什么?是假期,接下来看看威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的七年级下学期期末英语暑假作业,即使在家里也能快乐的学习呀!


(   )1. Nancy's sister doesn't________bedroom.

A. has her own               B. has her own's

C. have her own's             D. have her own

(   )2. -Would you like to play games with me? -Yes,________.

A. I'd like         B. I'd like to      C. I like to        D. I would like

(   )3 . We like to chat________ friends________ the Internet.

A. w ith; in        B. to; in          C. with; on         D. to; on

(    ) 4. May is the      month of a year.

A. fifth           B. fifteen         C. fifty             D. five

(    )5. -Remember_______ to my daughter's dance show next Friday.

-Of course I will. I'll never forget_______ her dance for the first time last year.

A. to come; to see             B. coming; to see

C. to come; seeing             D. coming; seeing

(    ) 6. –Hello, this is Wendy. Can I speak to Jessica? –Yes,          .

A. Jessica is me               B. Jessica, please

C. my name is Jessica           D. this is Jessica speaking.

(    ) 7. –Guang’an is a  beautiful city, isn’t it?

-Yes. There are about two        visitors her  every week.

A. thousands of    B. thousands         C. thousand     D. thousand of

(    )8. He asks us_______ stay outside.

A. not to         B . to not            C. not          D. don't

(     )9. Is there____ ___ with your bike?

A. something wrong              B. anything wrong

C. wrong something              D. wrong anything

(    )10. Alice didn't want to let the cat_______, so she ran after it.

A  get away    B. get into        C. get out        D. get off

(    ) 11. The girl was so_______ that she got the wonderful present from her father.

A. excited     B. exciting     C. excite     D. excitement

(    )12. I found a small boy_______ in the corner.

A cries      B. to  cry      C. cried     D. crying

(    )13. ---- Let's go out to play football, shall we?    ----OK. I _______.

A. will com ing     B. be going to come     C. come   D. am coming

(    )14. It _______ us a long time to learn English well.

A. takes         B. cost            C. spends        D. will spend

(    )15-.Jack, with his friends, _______ see Mr Li tomorrow.

A. is going to      B. are going to      C. go to         D. will goes

(    )16. — Please don’t smoke (吸烟) here, sir.

— Oh, sorry. I      it was a smoking area.

A. thought       B. think       C. didn’t think     D. don’t think

(    )17. There is a bookshop on_______ side of the street.

A. others        B. other         C. another            D. the other

(    )18. —When    your sister     you that red dress, Mary?

—Sorry, I really can’t remember.

A. does; buy      B. did;  buy     C. did; bought        D. does; bought

(    )19. They found_______ alone on the boat when they woke up.

A them       B. their         C. they               D. themselves

(    )20. —     ?

— The fresh air and the green trees.

A. How did you feel about your trip

B. What was your trip like

C. What did you think of your trip

D. What did you like about your trip


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