



、阅读理解 阅读下列四篇短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(30分)


I have some penfriends. They come from different countries. Here is some information about them. I like science very much. So one of them is my best friend because we have the same hobby.

Nick from England: When I grow up, I would like to become a teacher. I love little children! I want to get lots of money and live somewhere sunny and in a big house with my wife and children.

Graziano from Thailand: When I grow up, I would like to become a scientist. I will work in the scientific field (科学领域)and I will discover (发现)something very important. I like Maths, too. It would be interesting.

Dario from Russia: I want to be an engineer because I like building roads and bridges. I also want to be an electrician(电工) because I like the cars and reading magazines about cars.

Viktoriya from America: In the future I will become a manager in traveling. I like traveling all over the world and making friends.

( )1. Where is Nick from?

A. The UK B. The USA C. Thailand D. Russia

( ) 2. Who likes traveling and making friends?

A. Nick B. Graziano C. Dario D. Viktoriya

( ) 3.What does Graziano want to be in the future?

A. A teacher B. A scientist C. An engineer D.A manager

( ) 4. Which is NOT RIGHT according to the passage?

A. Nick likes to stay with children. B. Graziano likes maths.

C. Dario likes reading magazines about cars. D. Viktoriya likes staying at home.

( ) 5. Who may be the writer’s best friend?

A. Nick B. Graziano C. Dario D. Viktoriya


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