



. 词汇运用(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

A) 根据句子意思,从方框中选用恰当的短语填空。


at the same time, the same size as, looking forward to, tried their best, Look out

1. _______________! The tiger is walking towards you.

2. They ____________________ to make the old people happy.

3. I am ______________________ seeing this film with you.

4. How can you listen to music and do your homework _____________________?

5. Sandy’s dress is ___________________ mine.

B) 用所给词的适当形式填空

6. Beibei is a ____________(care) girl. She always makes mistakes in homework.

7. My father ___________(leave) home two days ago.

8. We are ______________(surprise) to know that elephants can walk quietly on tiptoe.

9. She went out of the house without ___________(say) goodbye to me.

10. Listen! I hear Tom___________(sing) in the next room.

11. Would you please teach me ___________ (dance) first?

12. There are so many ___________(mouse) in this old house.

13. Mr. Wu likes goldfish because he thinks they are not __________(noise) pets.

14. That song sounds _______________(badly). I don’t want to listen again.

15. Why not stop __________(play) computer games? Let’s go outside for fun.

Ⅵ. 完成句子(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)

16. 两分钟前,李老师自言自语道:“快点,不然我就要迟到了。

“____________ or I’ll be late.” Mr. Li __________________ two minutes ago.

17. 自从那时起,我弟弟总是在晚上很小心狗。

My brother is always ________________ dogs at night ___________________.


The door is _________, so I have to stay at home ___________.

19. 我不再害怕蛇了。

I am not ________________ snakes ____________________.


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