


威廉希尔app 为大家搜集整理了初一下册英语暑假作业试题2014,希望大家可以用心去做,不要只顾着玩耍哦!

一. 单词辨音:从每组单词中找出一个其划线部分读音与其余三个不同的词:

1. a. juice b. yellow c. page d. orange

2. a. warm b. park c. garden d. dance

3. a. now b. blow c. coat d. open

4. a. today b. wait c. say d. holiday

5. a. knock b. watch c. water d. wrong

6. a. five b. of c. enough d. telephone

7. a. family b. many c. bank d. Japan

8. a. near b. here c. year d. early

9. a. cheer b. beach c. much d. school

10.a. think b. sing c. stand d. English

二. 根据要求写出下列单词:

1. listen(现在分词) _____ 2. closing(动词原形) _____

3. there (同音词) _____ 4. fast(反义词) _____

5. shelves(单数) _____ 6. China(形容词) _____

7. one(序数词) _____ 8. party(复数) _____

9. photo(复数) _____ 10.we(宾格) _____

11.him(主格) _____ 12.I(物主代词) _____

三. 中英互译:

1. 看今天的报纸 ________ 2. No hurry! _______

3. 四十只西红柿 ________ 4. Here you are ______

5. 请坐;就座 ________ 6. a telephone call _________

7. 讲法语 _______ 8. sing and dance at the party ________

9. 他们中的一些人 ________ 10.have a nice holiday ________

四. 选择:

1. Be ___! We‘re late.

a. hurry b. fast c. quick d. slow

2. How ___ boxes of ice cream ___ there on the table?

a. many...are b. many...is c. much...is d. much...are


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