


威廉希尔app 为大家搜集整理了2014年初一年级英语暑假作业测试题,希望大家可以用心去做,不要只顾着玩耍哦!



Sam is very good at school, but he is not clean. His face and hands are often dirty. He washes them with water only. He does not use soap(肥皂).

Sam has an uncle.He lives on the farm. One day the uncle goes to see him. He looks at Sam and says, “Sam, I know what you ate for breakfast this morning.”

“What?” Sam looks at his uncle and says. “Eggs,” says his uncle. “Your face and mouth tell me that.”

“You are wrong, uncle!” says Sam. “Not today or yesterday, but the day before


( )1. What’s the Chinese for “dirty”? _____.

A.高兴的 B.干净的 C. 个子高的 D. 脏的

( )2. When did Sam eat eggs? _____.

A. Today B. Yesterday

C. Tomorrow D. The day before yesterday

( )3. Which of these is right? _____.

A. Sam doesn’t wash his face and hands every day

B. The uncle thinks the boy ate eggs this morning

C. Sam doesn’t like eggs at all

D. Sam doesn’t know his uncle


For Children

Museum:Children’s Museum. Sundays, 89 North Street, 67641235

Story time:Children’s Library, 106 Green Street.

Wednesdays during 9:30 a.m-5:00p. m. 66599624

Sports :Soccer Club, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 16 Yangtze Road, 96725643

Basketball Club, Wednesdays and Fridays, 7907 l 632

Cinema:New films for children, 99 Brick Road, 69001354

Useful Phone Numbers

Fast Food Restaurant:663 8790 1

Hospital:6878745 1

Visitor Information Center:800-120-9847


Visitor Hotel Information:800-739-7302


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