


威廉希尔app 初中频道小编为大家精心准备这篇七年级英语暑假作业测试题精选,希望大家可以通过做题巩固自己上学所学到的知识,注意:千万不能抄答案噢!


1.My father is a ________ (厨师).He works in a restaurant.

2.He says people in our city are very________ (友好的).

3.Is there any________ (粉笔)on the teacher’s desk?

4.I live in a tall building and I 1ive on the ________ (二十)floor.

5.The football field is one hundred and fifty ________ (米)long.

6.The Browns are our ________ (邻居).

7.Would you like________ (咖啡)or tea?

8.________ (百万)of people can speak English in our country.

9.Can you answer the ________ (五)question in English?

10.We are watching the ________ (录像)of my trip in the USA.


1.I like watching TV in the________ (sit)room with my parents.

2.There are some beautiful ________ (beach)in Thailand.

3.How many ________ (child)does the woman have?

4.There are more than seventy members in the English Club.________ (many) of them live in the centre of Jiangyin City.

5.My room is on the ________ (twelve)floor.


( )1.________ is the capital of the USA.

A . New York B.Paris C. Washington DC D.London

( )2.Kate will arrive ________Shanghai ________December 8th.

A.in;at B.at;in C.in;on D.for;on

( )3.________ you ________home on Sundays?


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