





1. A. Yes, there is.

B. Yes, it is.              C. Yes, this is.

2. A. He works in China.       B. He is a teacher.        C. He is Mr. White.

3. A. I like pandas very much.  B. I go to the zoo to see the pandas.  C. Because they are kind of cute.

4. A. I am reading a book.      B. I want to be a doctor.    C. I work at a bank.

5. A. Yes, I do.               B. No, I didn't.          C. I clean it.

6. A. I played basketball.      B. Sounds great.         C. It was great.

7. A. He has curly hair.        B. He likes bananas.      C. He is from England.

8. A. I went to the mountains.   B. I did my homework.    C. I had fun.

9. A. I'd like beef noodles, please.  B. I'd like  a large bowl of noodles.  C. I don't like mutton noodles.

10. A. Thank you.            B. It doesn't matter.       C. I am sorry.


11. A. lie's a bank clerk.       B. He's a reporter.        C. He's a policeman.

12. A. Yes, she can.           B. Yes, she does.         C. No, she can't.

13. A. No, he isn't.            B. Yes, he does.          C. Yes, he is.

14. A Some tea              B. Some water.          C. Some orange.

15. A. He can't stand them.     B. He likes them.         C. He doesn't mind them.

16. A. Because they are cute.   B. Because they're smart.  C. Because they're friendly.

17. A. In a shop.              B. At home.              C. In a classroom.

18. A. It was sunny.           B. It was cloudy.          C. It was rainy.

19. A. He's from Japan.        B. He's from Australia.    C. He's from Canada.

20. A. She visited her friends.   B. She went to a zoo.      C. She went to a park.


21. How old is Li Hong? He is ______ years old.

A. 11   B. 12   C. 13

22. Does Mike want to be an actor? _________

A. Yes, he does.           B. No, he doesn't.         C. We don't know.

23. What does Mike look like?__________

A. He is short.            B. He is tall.             C. He has straight hair.

24. Who is Li Hong's English teacher?__________

A. Li Hong's father.        B. Mike's father.          C. Mike's mother.

25. Why does Li Hong like Mr. Green? Because he is___________

A. friendly               B. interesting            C. funny



26. I can play ________ guitar very well.

A. a            B. the          C. an           D. /

27. What subjects do you have ________Friday morning?

A. on            B. in            C. at            D. for

28. My uncle has a beautiful house ________ a big garden.

A. have          B. has          C. with          D. in

29. The pay phone is ________ a post office and a library.

A. between       B. next          C. across        D. in

30. ---- ________ it going? ----It's great!

A. How's        B. What's        C. How         D. Where's

31. I like dolphins because they are ________ clever.

A. a kind of      B. a kind        C. kinds of      D. kind of

32. Where _______ lions _______?

A. is, from       B. does, from        C. are, from         D. do, from

33. I want _______ a nurse when I am older.

A. be           B. to              C. to be            D. to do

34. ----Is there a restaurant near here?   ----Yes,_______.

A. it is           B. it isn't           C. there is           D. there isn't

35. My pen pal _______ Chinese and English.

A. talks          B. says             C. tells             D. speaks

36. ----_______ the weather like today?   ----It's cloudy.

A. What          B. What's           C. How             D. How's

37. Look! In this photo, Lily _______at school.

A. runs          B. is running        C. ran                D. rurming

38. --What _______ rice would you like? ----Egg rice, please.

A. size of        B. kind             C. kind of          D. size

39. ----What does your cousin look like?  ----He _______very thin and he_______ short hair.

A. is, has        B. is, is             C. has, has D. has, is

40. ----_______ did you go on vacation?    ----I went to summer camp.

A. What         B. Where           C. How             D. Why

41. I my homework and _______ TV last Sunday.

A. do, watch      B. did, watched      C. did, watch        D. do, watched

42. ----Why do you like dogs? ----Because they are _______.

A. friendly      B. lazy            C. quiet           D. scary

43. ----Can you listen to music in the library? ---_______

A. Yes, we do     B. No, we don't      C. No, you can't      D. Yes, we can

44. Please _______ in the classrooms.

A. eat not        B. not eat           C. doesn't eat        D. don't eat

45. ----What do you think of sitcoms? ----_______.

A. I love them    B. Yes, I love        C. No, I don't like    D. I do, too



Kevin is from England. He __46__ in London. He likes __47__ to different places. Last weekend, he __48__ to Chongqing on vacation __49__ his wife and son. On Sunday afternoon, the __50__ was rainy. So they visited a museum. The museum was too crowded. His __51__ was lost. They were very worded (担心). But at last (最后) many Chinese people helped them __52__ his son. They were very __53__. So when his friends ask Kevin, "What do you __54__ China?" He always __55__,"I love it".

46. A. to live        B. lives         C. live          D. lived

47. A. go            B. goes         C. to go        D. to goes

48. A. came         B. comes        C. arrived       D. arrives

49. A. and          B. or           C. of          D. with

50. A. sun           B. food         C. weather      D. water

51. A. daughter      B. wife         C. son          D. brother

52. A. find          B. finding       C. look for      D. looking for

53. A. boring        B. happy       C. sad         D. difficult

54. A. like          B. think         C. come from    D. think of

55. A. speak         B. speaks       C. says         D. say


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