


威廉希尔app 初中频道小编为大家精心准备这篇七年级英语暑假作业检测题(2013新版外研版),希望大家可以通过做题巩固自己上学所学到的知识,注意:千万不能抄答案噢!

一、词汇。 A)根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。

1. --What is the d         today?      --It is November 11.

2. I’m very tired, so I’d like to r         myself at home.

3. --Can you speak F        ?

--No, Ican’t. I can only speak English and Chinese.

4. Mr White needed lots of money, so he wanted to s         his house.

5. Did you go to the P         Museum when you were in Beijing last year?

6. Would you like to go to the         (法国的) restaurant?

7. Finally they got to the         (顶部) of the Eiffel Tower.

8. There are many         (奇妙的) paintings in the museum.

9. Yesterday I visited a famous         (宫殿).

10. Mr Miller and his wife will         (到达) in Sanya in two days.

11. There’re five f         on each hand.

12. My uncle h     my arm and asked me many things about my grandparents.

13. We m       to Shanghai because my father found a new job in Shanghai.

14. In B        , people speak British English.

15. Hey, boy! Come here and sit on my k   and listen to my interesting stories.

16. You can’t find your camera. Maybe you put it   (某个地方) in your room.

17. They        (挥手)to say goodbye to me and left.

18. How many kinds of        (外国的)languages do you know?

19. It’s not        (礼貌的)to look somewhere else in China when you talk.

20. In       (事实), he is afraid of making a speech in public.

21. There’re many         (现代的) machines in the big factory.

22. --Do you like         (摇滚乐) music? --No,I don’t. It’s too noisy.

23. Did you hear the         (声音) of the wind last night?

24. The activities of learning from Lei Feng in our school is very         (受

欢迎) with students.

25. It’s good manners to keep your          (声音) down in public.

26. I can play the piano, but I can’t play the v        .

27. I left my keys in the room, so I had to get in the room t      the window


28. My grandparents like to listen to Benjing O        .

29. I told Tony his parents were in Shanghai, but he didn’t b         me.

30. Mike’s parents are b         teachers.


1. How many         (visit) come to Beijing every year?

2. The two young men are from         . They’re         (Russia).

3. Peter and Julia are         (German).

4. People in different         (country) do different things.

5. Mr King        (nod) his head and said to me, “Oh, your answer is right.”

6. Listen to the teacher         (careful) in class.

7. Don’t ask anything too         (person)in Britain.

8. You can shake        (hand) with others when you meet visitors for the first

time in China.

9.            (not shout) in the bedroom. Everyone is sleeping.

10.         (be) careful with the fire.

11. It’s         (noise)in the classroom.

12. Mozart was born in         (Austrian).

13. Peter lives in the         (west)part of the city.

14. Kong Xiangdong is one of my favourite         (music).

15. Do you like         (Europe) classical music?


1. 你能独自一人驾船穿越太平洋吗?

Can you cross                                 by boat alone?

2. 今年他们将要在海南度假。

Then are going                       in Hainan this year.

3. 两年前他还住在旧房子里。

He lived in the old house                                 .

4. 猜猜看?今天我碰到谁了?

? Who did I meet today?

5. 我喜欢小动物,如猫和狗。

I like small animals                       cats and dogs.


Let’s help and learn from                  .


Please                    when you see the American boy.


,I don’t like the maths teacher at all.


you understand the Japanese body language too little.


The girls walked home                            after school.


Zhao Benshan’s wonderful acting                      all over China.


Vienna is                            European classical music.


Mozart wrote                                     of music.


Daming’s parents       him        Beijing during the summer holidays.


Mary can              play the piano,                the violin.

16.你喜欢京剧吗?  Do you like                  ?


Mary is a                            music, isn’t she?


His dance music                            all over Europe.


Will you                   go to the park the day after tomorrow?


beautiful and quiet island it is!


(   )1. --         met you at the airport?    --My uncle.

A. What      B. When       C. Who   D. Whose

(   )2. --         did Kate go to school by bus this morning?

--Because there was something wrong with her bike.

A. How     B. Why      C. What          D. Where

(   ) 3. --Who       your grandfather at the train station?   --My father.

A. did meet    B. does meet     C. met       D. meeting

(   )4. Finally we went         .

A. swimming      B. swim      C. to swimming   D. swam

(   )5. I was          holiday in Beijing last month.

A. in      B. for      C. on      D. at

(   ) 6. --How did your mother go to work?      --        .

A. By the bike  B. By a bike  C. By bike  D. By her bike

(   )7. --We went to the zoo and watched a baby tiger yesterday.

--        .

A. Good luck.  B. Guess what?  C. It was great!  D. Have a nice day.

(   )8. --         I’ve passed(通过) my TOEFL test.  --Fantastic!

A. Got it.    B. Take care.   C. Guess what?  D. Take it easy.

(   ) 9. It took Janet three hours          reading this interesting story.

A. to finish  B. finished   C. finishing    D. finishes

(   )10. --         have you lived in Binzhou?  --For about ten years.

A. How soon   B. How often.   C. How long     D. How much

(   )11. Here are some ways          the visitors from Russia.

A. welcome                        B. to welcome

C. welcoming                      D. to welcoming

(   )12. Tom’s          are long , but he can’t run fast.

A. leg           B. legs          C. arm           D. arms

(   ) 13. Look! The girls are walking arm          arm with each other.

A. in            B. on            C. by            D. from

(   ) 14. The old man    my arm and asked many things about his daughter.

A. hold      B. held      C. catch         D. caught

(   ) 15. I don’t like other people to touch me         .

A. all           B. at not        C. at all        D. all right

(   ) 16. Did you read the passage          Lingling?

A. of            B. from          C. in            D. by


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